Waiting for multiple people


Hi, how would you deal with a 'waiting for' item when you are waiting for an answer from multiple people? For example, I send an email to three people with a list of the current items I need them to review before I proceed with the changes they have requested. Would you list it as three discreet 'waiting for' items on your lists?


I just add their name on the waiting for tag of omnifocus like " WF Bob, marvin, John advices about Apple report - LC (last contact) 05.04 (+note about conversation) Ps I have a perspective wish shows what I am waiting for classified by the date it was created. Then I make a search when they call me...


This is what I usually do:

Waiting for everyone to get back to me about the thing (2023-05-04).
- Sooty
- Sweep
- Sue

Then I can cross the names out when they get back to me.


I apply a waiting for tag and a tag for each person that is on my agenda list (if they are) and if they are not in the notes section


In my experience, asking a group about multiple items can lead to various unfortunate issues, but can be ok if all of them have to sign off on all documents. I do different things with different people. I might send separate emails to different people if I want to compare answers. I might treat a senior person differently in a group. I might send email asking who should be sent what. Those kinds of issues really determine how I think about recording waiting-for’s.


...Would you list it as three discreet 'waiting for' items on your lists?

Essentially, yes. However, I would create each of those actions as "follow-ups" linked to the project (which this sounds like since there are multiple steps to move it forward). More often than not, I need to stay right on-top of everyone to ensure nothing slips through the cracks and everything is handled in a prompt and timely fashion (i.e. significantly less time than the duration between weekly reviews).

However, yes, if each person's sign-off was required than you'd likely need to track those sign-offs in some fashion that are independent of each other (i.e. separate items).

Clarification: A "follow-up" to me, in my system, is an active form of a "waiting for" (i.e. I don't sit around "waiting for" things, especially if I can influence them). I, personally, still designate items as "waiting for" but only for things I cannot influence such as "Waiting for package to arrive from Acme Inc." or "Waiting for January 31 to begin reviewing documents needed to file taxes by February X. (there's an actual minimum early date folks can file)". I don't usually organize "Get Bob's approval on Acme RFP" as a "waiting for" because I often can/will need to follow-up on that request in a more rapid, active fashion rather than the passive style that "waiting for", to me, seems to be geared towards (granted these should be seen during the "Reflect / Engage" steps as you're using your system so ...).


Waiting for everyone to get back to me about the thing (2023-05-04).
- Sooty
- Sweep
- Sue
Obviously, not being a Brit I missed the joke. I just thought you knew some people who need a bath.

And I really want to know what "the thing" is. But I suspect I never will.


Obviously, not being a Brit I missed the joke. I just thought you knew some people who need a bath.

And I really want to know what "the thing" is. But I suspect I never will.

Reading that, the song "Sweet Sue, Just You" came to mind. Not sure if that was intentional or just subliminal.