What GTD products would you find useful?

Hi @PhillyBass , it's on our list of potential guides. And, it's not an application that we have had many requests for. There are several people who frequent this forum who use it one way or another.
Obsidian was definitely one of those fringe apps that didn't seem all that popular, until very recently. I have been following the GTD setup guide for EverNote for over a decade. Then in 2022-2023 while EverNote was bleeding customers, many of us were looking frantically for something to replace it. Obsidian stood out from the sea of dozens of note apps for its ability to support EverNote import and nested tags and nearly every major desktop and mobile OS including Linux. I am in the process of adapting GTD to Obsidian, trying to follow as closely to the EverNote implementation from years ago, but if there were an official guide I would definitely purchase it.
Very interested to hear how people have set up Obsidian for GTD.

Hi Phil,

I found two methods described online, ( Method 1 ) and ( Method 2 ). I am in the process of trying to come up with the simplest method possible for myself, relying on the least amount of plugins, and sticking to the original DavidCo EverNote setup guide as much as possible.
Very interested to hear how people have set up Obsidian for GTD.

I use the tasks plug-in. I have tags for each context. I use templater plugin to create project notes that are classed as a project in either active, archive or on_hold states. I have a dashboard note that shows me al the tasks by contexts and I have one that shows me all projects. I can slice and dice my tasks in any way I see fit.

I am just now starting to implement sequential tasks in some of my repeating projects that re-occur every year but I have not decided if that way works for me.
Great thread! I especially like the idea of a new GTD Book by David Allen. This book would involve extensive research into the conditions of people's lives that make it impossible for them to implement a GTD system. The desired outcome of this research would be to learn from working extensively with these unfortunate people what has made this impossible, and to reverse these difficulties in practice, so that these people are finally able to implement a GTD system. The reversals would be documented in this book in a step by step way, so anyone could read this book, and do the practices in the book, and finally implement a GTD system. This book might be entitled:

GTD For The Rest of Us
A GTD Workbook For Those Who Need it Most
DEFINITELY bring back the notetaker wallet please (and separately purchased refills of course).

Currently I'm using the small (A7?) Rhodia bloc tablets - perforated sheets are a must.
A dual pocket notepad which is simply two notepads next to each other (perhaps it could fold in on itself). You’d open it up in a meeting and write regular notes in one pad, and then action-specific notes in the other. a securely attached pen would be the icing on the cake - both notepads and pen refillable.
We are considering what new GTD products we may develop, and are very interested in your ideas. Is there some aspect of your GTD practice where a video or audio program, a PDF, or some other product would be supportive? Another way of asking that is, do you struggle with some part of implementing GTD where some product might remove that friction?

In our last team meeting we joked about making a David Allen bobblehead. Please know that we welcome all suggestions, no matter how crazy or humorous.
Mr. John, DAC / GTD Team,

Thinking a GTD monitor "Screensaver" for Projects and/or Next Actions might be a meritorious tool for GTDers

If 'adopted' . . . a "GTD Screensaver" could become ever so slightly sophisticated with other Contexts / List(s) with an easy 'pause' feature along with perhaps some random GTD quotes ?

Thank you very much

As you see GTD fit. . . .
The GTD Organizer not as a PDF but as a really nice high quality physical notebook/calendar. Can be different editions, one a bit cheaper and one real cool calf leather skin one that looks like a premium bible with golden letters on the cover.

The letters should say "What's your next action?" or even better "Mind like water" and on the last page David's face from the original 2001 book saying: "That project does not have a next action dude, add one please".

The last thing was a bit of joke (or half joke) but the rest was 100% serious.
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