Re flashlights and capturing at night when you wake up. Instead of using ANY sort of light, develop the technique to write tolerably legible text without any light at all. At one time Iwas told I was going blnd. One of the exercises to prepare is to learn how to write using the thumb and forefinger of the non-writing hand to make "guidelines" in which you write. Form experience printing is usually more legible than cursive in such situations. The end result for me was that I can capture at night without ever even turning on any light at all.
Alternatively look for a pen with a built in red light that turns on when you click the pen or press it or somehow say tou are ready to write. Red light doesn't affect night vision and also doesn't affect most people's sleep/awake status much. Here's one I found on Amazon but I have no esxperience with them or toher of this type as I don't need light to write notes at night.