What is the most frictionless system you've used?

@RomanS Simply take an active stance! Instead of "waiting for something" create a Next Action to follow up in case nothing happens!
But a next action that is dependent of something else isn't really a next action, is it? I would rather consider this a Someday/Maybe or a tickler item if I was forced to do without a Waiting for...
But a next action that is dependent of something else isn't really a next action, is it?
@René Lie So you don't use a calendar? ;) Everything in a calendar depends on time. My follow ups depend on time only – i.e. they are executable only if somebody doesn't deliver something before the deadline..
I sure do! But my lists of next actions are reserved for things I can execute "at will" - not time-sensitive, not waiting for other things to happen first...
@René Lie

"next actions are reserved for things I can execute 'at will' ":

Very nice overall 'umbrella' for @Contexts prior additional to other considerations/factors: place, tools, time, energy, ect.

Thank you very much for the additional clarity
I have autism and adhd. And I struggle to find the right tool. I know I need structure and GTD looks like to right methode to get that.

Last week I bought the book. Also I’m a TickTick user for almost a year now. Though the app is an all-in-one app which I like, also I can’t get the GTD right. Perhaps its overwhelming.

I do like Everdo, NirvanaHQ, Mylifeorganized.
They lack widgets for iOS and Apple Watch.
I need visual and sound reminders otherwise I forget things. Not sure if widgets/reminders are part of the GTD methodology.

As a iOS and windows user, there aren’t a lot of apps that work together the way I want and perhaps I need to search one that not fill all the gaps.

So, I’m looking for:

* GTD app with widgets
* One time purchase
* iOS and windows or web

I do like Everdo but the developer is not responsive, the forum is down some time and not updated in a while.

Mylifeorganized, no widgets.
MS Todo - just ugly

Didn’t try Todoist yet. Perhaps I making myself hard on this :)
I use Omnifocus 4 for projects & tasks, DEVONthink for project notes from Omnifocus 4, and miscellaneous notes & my PARA system. I used Obsidian, Drafts, & Logseq in the past, then converted everything over to DEVONthink.