Where do I file this?



When my boss goes out of town, he leaves an itinerary with hotel contact info, etc. on it. He'll only be gone for about 3 days, which makes me not want to enter it as a note in my PDA. However, I don't know where to file this piece of paper in the office. Tickler file (moving it day to day)? Create a "Boss Itinerary" file? (this does happen fairly regularly). There is a 50-50 shot that I'll need this piece of paper, but of course I won't know if I need it until he gets back...I can't recall what the book says about this. Anybody know?


Make it an "untimed event" - repeating over the 3 days that he will be gone. That way - you have the information everyday at the top of your calendar, and you have a record of where/when he was if you want to flip back to it in the future.

It IS "date-specific" info - releveant/connected to only those three days - so that's where it should go :)




My husband travels frequently on business, and always e-mails me a copy of his itinerary. I print them out and keep them in a folder in a standing file on my desk, labeled "Jim's Travel." I'm a freelancer and work at home, so I don't have to worry about keeping the information in two locations. I also put a repeating, untimed event in my Palm with his name and the city he's in.