TesTeq;94389 said:
Why all GTD Software is broken?
Because of our unrealistic expectations.
You really need an easy to use list manager. Nothing more and nothing less.
You are correct about "unrealistic expectations". The tool is just a tool, GTD is our organization. I think the heart of the issue, though, is not people wanting software that thinks for them, but wanting software that doesn't force them to think like the developer. I was never more successful with GTD than back in the old days on Time Design, then on the simple Palm Pilot 3. Paper and Palm 3 didn't do anything other than hold my lists labeled by my contexts. Simple.
There are too many inboxes these days for me to rely on a paper system, and I couldn't live without cloud, of-line and mobile access. I've been through a dozen apps and programs over the last few years. I stuck with Google Tasks and Simple Note the longest, because they were the simplest, but the interfaces are weak, and I was never happy with the Android apps. Also, it required two programs to hold notes and task lists.
I'm back on Evernote again, and so far loving it. The first time around I found it too complex to be reliable. This time I realized the complexity wasn't Evernote, it was me! Evernote has amazing capabilities, but also amazing potential to implement a simple system. All the interfaces, Client, Web and Android are stable and reliable and as simple as I want them to be.
I have 3 notebooks:
Inbox (the default to which I email content or add new notes on the fly to be sorted later)
Lists (ordered lists)
Notes (for bulk items)
I'm in the process of combining the Lists and Notes, since tagging enforces order
I have about 20 various tags, but the @GTD tag has all my @context tags (@Contact, @Errands, @Someday etc.)
The rest of the tags are personal subject areas. Evernote allows multiple tags,so I might have the GTD context "@Errands" and "Build Shed" on a note "File for building permit - town hall" and "@Contact" with "Build Shed" on a note to "Call Rich for help leveling shed site." This method allows me to sort by next actions GTD context and to look at all the tasks I have for my Build Shed project.
I'm more hopeful with tis system than I have been in a while.
Good luck