wrote on a5 piece of paper and put in my in tray was literally this: why allen recommends taking capturing devices where you go: for example keeping

In the moment - for getting things done fourm

Something which wrote on a5 piece of paper and put in my in tray was literally this (a question).

“why allen recommends taking capturing devices where you go: for example keeping an inventory of tools.

“Because that is - what I myself Tim had it in my mind that I read - that persons allen for example suggested - taking a type of notebooks or writing material and pens and pencils - everywhere you go with you e.g. keep them in office and keep them in bag/satchel/briefcase (I myself tim could go back to book and cite where read this.

I wrote isn’t it better try keep capturing devices to minimum as possible?. *

I myself Tim don’t fully understand the concept - because could it become obsessive literally trying get quite literally everything out your mind for example? If try to get - focus on getting things off your mind - then do you loose your ability to judge the important of your possible actions for example?


I will see if other users respond.

@John Forrister
@Shady Waxwing


You write it down to get it out of your mind. What you do with it the next time you look at it is up to you, even if that is to just delete it.

Just write it down then move on to the next thought/doing the next thing/being in the moment.


In the moment - for getting things done fourm

Something which wrote on a5 piece of paper and put in my in tray was literally this (a question).

“why allen recommends taking capturing devices where you go: for example keeping an inventory of tools.

“Because that is - what I myself Tim had it in my mind that I read - that persons allen for example suggested - taking a type of notebooks or writing material and pens and pencils - everywhere you go with you e.g. keep them in office and keep them in bag/satchel/briefcase (I myself tim could go back to book and cite where read this.

I wrote isn’t it better try keep capturing devices to minimum as possible?. *

I myself Tim don’t fully understand the concept - because could it become obsessive literally trying get quite literally everything out your mind for example? If try to get - focus on getting things off your mind - then do you loose your ability to judge the important of your possible actions for example?


I will see if other users respond.

@John Forrister
@Shady Waxwing

On this end, when first implemented GTD it first did seem excessive/overwhelming to relieve my mind of so many thoughts and Perhaps while the conscious thoughts began being externalized then it was PERHAPs [phase II] allowing 'space' for an abundance of the subconscious thoughts to express themselves to be externalized for 'objective control'

Nothing Freudian . . . keeping a clear mind has always been deemed as good Mental Hygiene as mental health was at onetime seen as such . . . the mind has limited capacity for "unprocessed thoughts" and it might explain why some of the most great minds of time . . . with all empathetic and sympathetic sensitivity . . . went bananas

Meanwhile, all of that 'mind noise' over time, and with a very high dose of patience, became less, less, and less allowing this end to feel much more peacefully clear-&-free . . . perhaps from the emotions and imagination being less 'picked-on'/'tormented' by the 'subconscious memory's unfinished business and inaccuracies' humbly and gratefully allowing my better self to move along much, much, much nicer manner and way . . . for those who are unhappy with me my only response is they would only be more unhappy with me prior my the GTD journey

Please see gtdstudente simply as a GTD case study whose subjective GTD experience might apply to others as a big fat GTD whopping 0%

As always, as you see GTD fit for YOU and how YOU suitably choose to draw from and apply the GTD methodology as patiently as possible

Ps. I really need to also express that it was when my necessary subjective ORGANIZATION 'trap' through subjective five general Areas-of-Focus where found did GTD really come together with enjoyable rhythm [most certainly hope for an even greater degree of enjoyable rhythm for all GTDers and Non-GTDers] because on this end the 'thoughts' have to go SOMEWHERE [everything in existence has to go somewhere?] extrinsically to prevent them [thoughts] from seeping back intrinsically!
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On this end, when first implemented GTD it first did seem excessive/overwhelming to relieve my mind of so many thoughts and Perhaps while the conscious thoughts began being externalized then it was PERHAPs [phase II] allowing 'space' for an abundance of the subconscious thoughts to express themselves to be externalized for 'objective control'

Nothing Freudian . . . keeping a clear mind has always been deemed as good Mental Hygiene as mental health was at onetime seen as such . . . the mind has limited capacity for "unprocessed thoughts" and it might explain why some of the most great minds of time . . . with all empathetic and sympathetic sensitivity . . . went bananas

Meanwhile, all of that 'mind noise' over time, and with a very high dose of patience, became less, less, and less allowing this end to feel much more peacefully clear-&-free . . . perhaps from the emotions and imagination being less 'picked-on'/'tormented' by the 'subconscious memory's unfinished business and inaccuracies' humbly and gratefully allowing my better self to move along much, much, much nicer manner and way . . . for those who are unhappy with me my only response is they would only be more unhappy with me prior my the GTD journey

Please see gtdstudente simply as a GTD case study whose subjective GTD experience might apply to others as a big fat GTD whopping 0%

As always, as you see GTD fit for YOU and how YOU suitably choose to draw from and apply the GTD methodology as patiently as possible

Ps. I really need to also express that it was when my necessary subjective ORGANIZATION 'trap' through subjective five general Areas-of-Focus where found did GTD really come together with enjoyable rhythm [most certainly hope for an even greater degree of enjoyable rhythm for all GTDers and Non-GTDers] because on this end the 'thoughts' have to go SOMEWHERE [everything in existence has to go somewhere?] extrinsically to prevent them [thoughts] from seeping back intrinsically!
Thanks for getting back

I actually don't 100% understand the grammar used here by yourself

You seem to use a more complex vocabulary or terms which I am not familar such as objective control
Freudian, mental hygiene, mind noise
You write it down to get it out of your mind. What you do with it the next time you look at it is up to you, even if that is to just delete it.

Just write it down then move on to the next thought/doing the next thing/being in the moment.
Thanks getting back

I had it when I went over "mind sweep chapter" thoughts to myself this stuff- you are suppose to keep the A5 pieces of paper like forever? File them away

You are saying you are just suppose to look back at it once?

How would one decide if the idea/thought on a5 should be kept or destroyed? (if it is important or not for example)

write it down then move on to the next thought/doing the next thing/being in the moment.

" But one - might be constantly thinking - (understand while doing activities or an activity such as reading/writing this right now

You are suppose to try to develop awareness of your thoughts

You figure out is something is worth writing on a pieces of paper - if you continue to think about it over time? have thoughts about it? (that's how decide if it is important or not?"

Had other things I could write about your reply here


Thanks getting back

I had it when I went over "mind sweep chapter" thoughts to myself this stuff- you are suppose to keep the A5 pieces of paper like forever? File them away

You are saying you are just suppose to look back at it once?

How would one decide if the idea/thought on a5 should be kept or destroyed? (if it is important or not for example)

write it down then move on to the next thought/doing the next thing/being in the moment.

" But one - might be constantly thinking - (understand while doing activities or an activity such as reading/writing this right now

You are suppose to try to develop awareness of your thoughts

You figure out is something is worth writing on a pieces of paper - if you continue to think about it over time? have thoughts about it? (that's how decide if it is important or not?"

Had other things I could write about your reply here
You decide what to do with it when you process your inbox.

Are you comfortable with flowcharts? This may help:

I keep a notebook for random thoughts and ideas that i may want to refer back to. This could be considered as reference material.

Often though I may be out without a notebook so will add something to an app on my phone.

Sometimes you may not be able to decide what to do with something, David Allen has recommended putting it in a tickler file, so that it surfaces again at some point in the future when you may be better able to make a decision on what it means to you.

For me that works but we’re all different, so you need to find what works for you.


Thanks for getting back

I actually don't 100% understand the grammar used here by yourself

You seem to use a more complex vocabulary or terms which I am not familar such as objective control
Freudian, mental hygiene, mind noise
We agree, lousy grammar skills on this end . . . please forgive me . . . thank you

"You seem to use a more complex vocabulary or terms which I am not familiar such as objective control
Freudian, mental hygiene, mind noise"

"objective control" is to get everything out of one's head so that can 'see' more objectively from the outside of one's mind instead of analyzing from the 'inside' which could be deemed as subjective analysis

"Freudian" is a Psychoanalytical Method, i.e., patient lying on a coach while the therapist captures what the patient expresses.
While this practice in itself might very well have merit, it is the interpretation of the stream of thoughts that could very well be problematic

"mental hygiene" while we all agree that bodily hygiene is desirable, and as such, same can be said for the mind

"mind noise" also known as "monkey brain" where one is enduring seemingly endless random thoughts without clarity

Hopefully your reasonable concerns will still allow you to benefit to some degree as you see GTD fit

All of the above are this end's understanding/meaning of the terms you graciously referenced

Thank you very GTD much
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You decide what to do with it when you process your inbox.

Are you comfortable with flowcharts? This may help:

I keep a notebook for random thoughts and ideas that i may want to refer back to. This could be considered as reference material.

Often though I may be out without a notebook so will add something to an app on my phone.

Sometimes you may not be able to decide what to do with something, David Allen has recommended putting it in a tickler file, so that it surfaces again at some point in the future when you may be better able to make a decision on what it means to you.

For me that works but we’re all different, so you need to find what works for you.
"I myself Tim
scanned over text here

I wonder where you got that flow chart PDF link from?

A tickler file? I have never herd of that

Yeah in the book Allen wrote something - gave an example use a physical intray to write sheet of paper (A5 sheet of paper thought/idea/concept on your mind which hasn't been captured)

I wonder why you are saying that you keep a note book for "random thoughts and ideas" I have it in the book I read "allen" say something writing out each individual thought/idea on one piece of paper (and putting it on intray) is better compared to something like using a list (writing everything on a list without spaces) -for some specific reason which I can't remember right now while typing this completely (so maybe I should look back in the book over this?)

What else key words reference material maybe not familiar with

That you say you keep a notebook - but don't take it with you everywhere - but I saw Allen write everything write something to take tools with you everywhere

"what app do you have on phone

What phone do you have?

We agree, lousy grammar skills on this end . . . please forgive me . . . thank you

"You seem to use a more complex vocabulary or terms which I am not familiar such as objective control
Freudian, mental hygiene, mind noise"

"objective control" is to get this out of our head so when can 'see' more objectively from the outside of one's mind which would be a more subjective analysis

"Freudian" is a Psychoanalytical Method, i.e., patient lying on a coach while the therapist captures the them of the patient expresses. While this practice in itself has merit, it is the interpretation of the stream of thoughts that could very well be problematic

"mental hygiene" while we all agree that bodily hygiene is desirable, and as such, same for the mind

"mind noise" also known as "monkey brain" where one is enduring seemingly endless thoughts without clarity

Hopefully your reasonable concerns will still allow you to benefit to some degree as you see GTD fit

All of the above are this end's understanding/meaning of the terms you graciously referenced

Thank you very GTD much
"I scanned over this

I am surprised sent me new text with exact definitions of the four words I quoted. wow.

I don't think I ever herd of word Fruedian before

Didn't know mental hygiene was something which would classify as a dictionary word. Are these dictionary words? " ST


"I scanned over this

I am surprised sent me new text with exact definitions of the four words I quoted. wow.

I don't think I ever herd of word Fruedian before

Didn't know mental hygiene was something which would classify as a dictionary word. Are these dictionary words? " ST

Of course, on this end your post are being respectfully received with GTD seriousness . . . Good GTD Job!

While accuracy might be sacrificed, the writing style from this end could probably be more scan friendly?

"mental hygiene" might be more of an "adjectival phrase" than a singular noun readily found in a dictionary

Perhaps you might also be interested in creating a GTD look up words: "Google" List?

Just a GTD thought

Meanwhile, on this end continuing to work on Grammar improvement(s), thank you

Thank you very GTD much

As you see GTD fit
Last edited:


"I myself Tim
scanned over text here

I wonder where you got that flow chart PDF link from?

A tickler file? I have never herd of that

Yeah in the book Allen wrote something - gave an example use a physical intray to write sheet of paper (A5 sheet of paper thought/idea/concept on your mind which hasn't been captured)

I wonder why you are saying that you keep a note book for "random thoughts and ideas" I have it in the book I read "allen" say something writing out each individual thought/idea on one piece of paper (and putting it on intray) is better compared to something like using a list (writing everything on a list without spaces) -for some specific reason which I can't remember right now while typing this completely (so maybe I should look back in the book over this?)

What else key words reference material maybe not familiar with

That you say you keep a notebook - but don't take it with you everywhere - but I saw Allen write everything write something to take tools with you everywhere

"what app do you have on phone

What phone do you have?

I have a copy of the pdf printed in my in tray to refer to when I need. I merely Googled GTD workflow pdf to find the link to share with you-nothing cleverer than that I’m afraid.

Look in the index of the book for tickler file-it is part of GTD that means it shows up at a later date.

Allen uses an A7 equivalent notebook and probably captures succinct thoughts. My thoughts often meander (what if… if i do this would it,,,how do i … etc) so for me writing these thoughts in a notebook is helpful. Maybe it wouldn’t work for you.

In the film Pirates Of The Caribbean a pirate said “… they’re not rules, they’re more sort of guidelines…” and so it is the case with GTD. Nothing is set in stone-it is up to you to use it as you see fit to help you.

Where Allen writes notebook and pen, you should think capture device, be that pen and paper, or mobile phone and app, or something else. I always have my phone with me, so that acts as my capture device.

The phone and app I use are irrelevant, as it is the ability to capture the thoughts that count.

Eg my wife is a nurse and often at home she has work related thoughts, so she emails her thoughts to her work email to get it off her mind. When she gets to work, she can then process those thoughts and write the appropriate actions.


I wrote isn’t it better try keep capturing devices to minimum as possible?. *
Well, having a minimum number of capture devices, and always having a capture device, isn't mutually incompatible. I always have my phone, so it's my primary capture device.

The apps I use on my phone for capture (Reminders, Notepad, and OmniFocus) also sync to my laptop. (You may ask why I use three apps when I could pick one? The different apps serve slightly different purposes for me, though if I could order the Omni people to add all the features I want to OmniFocus, I might just use that.)

Sometimes, based on mood, I want to write on paper, so I do have a notebook at my desk.

I don't file those things away forever. Instead, I periodically review them and either delete/trash them or put them in my more formal GTD lists. So if someone tells me about a book, I might hurriedly put it in Reminders. Later I'll process it into my Books list in OmniFocus. Later I'll look at reviews and previews and maybe say, "Bleah," and delete it.

Shady Waxwing

GTD Connect

Of course, on this end your post are being respectfully received with GTD seriousness . . . Good GTD Job!

While accuracy might be sacrificed, the writing style from this end could probably be more scan friendly?

"mental hygiene" might be more of an "adjectival phrase" more than a noun readily found in a dictionary

Perhaps you might also be interested in creating a GTD look up words "Google" List?

Just a GTD thought

Meanwhile, continuing to work on Grammar improvement, thank you

Thank you very GTD much

As you see GTD fit
"I looked over this a second time

I have a copy of the pdf printed in my in tray to refer to when I need. I merely Googled GTD workflow pdf to find the link to share with you-nothing cleverer than that I’m afraid.

Look in the index of the book for tickler file-it is part of GTD that means it shows up at a later date.

Allen uses an A7 equivalent notebook and probably captures succinct thoughts. My thoughts often meander (what if… if i do this would it,,,how do i … etc) so for me writing these thoughts in a notebook is helpful. Maybe it wouldn’t work for you.

In the film Pirates Of The Caribbean a pirate said “… they’re not rules, they’re more sort of guidelines…” and so it is the case with GTD. Nothing is set in stone-it is up to you to use it as you see fit to help you.

Where Allen writes notebook and pen, you should think capture device, be that pen and paper, or mobile phone and app, or something else. I always have my phone with me, so that acts as my capture device.

The phone and app I use are irrelevant, as it is the ability to capture the thoughts that count.

Eg my wife is a nurse and often at home she has work related thoughts, so she emails her thoughts to her work email to get it off her mind. When she gets to work, she can then process those thoughts and write the appropriate actions.
"right scanned over this

should I get a A7 journal

I watched that film once when I was a kid?

should I myself print of that type of PDF mind map?

I am not sure "
Here is a link to a description of the tickler file, and a diagram that shows how it looks using file folders. Also called a carry forward file, and maybe known by other terms.

These days I use my calendar to incubate reminders, instead of a physical tickler file. If someone still has a lot of paper inputs, a physical system might be handy.

ITM "I think I have seen that file before

persons John F @John Forrister on web in email shared it to me

But - when was reading that I was like is this actually practically worth myself doing? I am unsure

What else? in my room I have one type of a4 metal box like 20x40x40cm - with type of divider files (look similar to tickler file maybe, made out of green fabric (what fabric is the name I am not complete sure? cotton no - linen I am not sure? type of fabric which looks similar to something like an army cadet green suit or something - fabric feels like same material of a suit

I just use it for sheet with some bank paper and password - that's about it "


I myself Tim don’t fully understand the concept - because could it become obsessive literally trying get quite literally everything out your mind for example? If try to get - focus on getting things off your mind - then do you loose your ability to judge the important of your possible actions for example?
To answer the last first, no. Because if you are doing it as capture, THEN process, you will filfter out all the fluff that is unimportant. I capture constantly, I have a notepad with me at all times. I have a quick note shortcut on my phone that allows me to dictate a note with a single hand (the other is usually attached to an irritating sheep) and I have another quick Siri shortcut for the really fast emergencies. I've never really kept track but I know that lno more than half of wht I capture actually ever makes it into my GTD system. I'm ok with that. I can capture, acknowledger, proceess, and move on easily.

I separate the capture of everything I ma thinking of from the what does this mean to me in the ner (or far) future into separate steps. tne separatio helps decide whether the captured item is trash, current project or action or someday/maybe.
Print it off. The worse that can happen is that you never look at it.

I asked father if he could

because don' t have my own

but I am not sure how useful having sheet like that would even be really

Well guess its useful to look over the concepts as reminders - is it?

could also do something write on back main concepts about book"

"I supposed would be helpful as I am a newbie
To answer the last first, no. Because if you are doing it as capture, THEN process, you will filfter out all the fluff that is unimportant. I capture constantly, I have a notepad with me at all times. I have a quick note shortcut on my phone that allows me to dictate a note with a single hand (the other is usually attached to an irritating sheep) and I have another quick Siri shortcut for the really fast emergencies. I've never really kept track but I know that lno more than half of wht I capture actually ever makes it into my GTD system. I'm ok with that. I can capture, acknowledger, proceess, and move on easily.

I separate the capture of everything I ma thinking of from the what does this mean to me in the ner (or far) future into separate steps. tne separatio helps decide whether the captured item is trash, current project or action or someday/maybe.
"I am not sure fully understand your writing, thats what trying to share, that I feel like I was disorganized - creating different types of lists

thats one of ideas had - make fourm post about showing pictures how I have operated in past literally just writing things on journals/papers sheets" 13