New look for and GTD|


This morning's complaint is a basic question WHY?

Why fix what isn't broken?

Why make things harder to use rather than easier?

Why do this without any comments from your loyal and regular users?

Why make changes that makes things slower?

Why pick out font sizes and colors that are aggressive and hard to read?

What was the wildly successful outcome of this huge project?

If you didn't meet it will you consider reverting back to the old system?

And a more specific one. There is no way to put a header/title on the top of a post. I often used those to see what messages to read. All posts in a thread just tag on to the end of the main thread.


John Forrister said:
Since many people have a forum account before they become members of GTD Connect, we set have always had it set up that when the GTD Connect membership begins, there's a step for associating a forum account with the GTD Connect account. The forum upgrade we did has meant that some people have needed to go through that step again, of associating the GTD Connect account with the forum account. That's done by clicking on My Membership (upper-right of the screen on GTD Connect pages), scroll to the bottom and click on Forum Linking Changes. We'll walk you through this by email or phone if you'd like.

Does not work for me. No PERMANENT association. :-(


Oogiem said:
This morning's complaint is a basic question WHY?

Even "gtd" and "connect" in the page header are not horizontally alligned. It is really sad.

When forum posts are short (one line) the user badge forces a lot of white space below the text.


Icons are the only thing I like on the page. The scrolling layout is ridiculous. Really. No scrolling should be needed. And I think that the creator knew this - because there's a brief one-sentence UNFORMATTED (!) summary of the 5 steps just below the icons ((1) Capture - collect what has your attention, (2) Clarify - process what it means, (3) Organize - put it where it belongs, (4) Reflect - review frequently, and (5) Engage - simply do.)

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
vbampton said:
John, for mobile friendliness on the forum, have you thought about installing the free Tapatalk plug-in?

Thanks for suggesting that. I'll check it out. Probably not too soon, because there are some bugs we're handling first.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
TesTeq said:
Have I lost access to my 380+ posts? I can see only 3000 in my history.

Hi TesTeq, I see 3,387 in the statistics for you. In the search, 3,000 results appear. I'll look into why the other 387 are not showing in the results. Probably a setting that limits search results, which can be adjusted.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
vbampton said:
Do you get this button within individual forums? vBulletin seems to have hidden a fair amount of stuff under icons in v5.

I'd noticed it's forgetting what I've read now too. John, I think that's in Options > General Settings > Thread/Forum Read Marking Type > Database (automatic forum marking). The location might be slightly different in v5.

Hi Victoria, that setting is still showing: Database (automatic forum marking). I think we're dealing with some other type of bug that's affecting how the forum remembers what's been read.


OK, so I can't post from my desktop using Safari (I can't click on this box and get a response). I can post from my iPad, but quoting doesn't work right: the box stays small and scrolling doesn't work right. I'm entering this using Firefox, and got a warning that the rich text editor couldn't load. Sarcasm on This is just a dandy upgrade. Sarcasm off


OK, so I can't post from my desktop using Safari (I can't click on this box and get a response). I can post from my iPad, but quoting doesn't work right: the box stays small and scrolling doesn't work right. I'm entering this using Firefox, and got a warning that the rich text editor couldn't load. Sarcasm on This is just a dandy upgrade. Sarcasm off And to make it really good, it turns out I can't post from Firefox either, because the post button doesn't work! I'm posting this on my iPad after entering it on my desktop in Firefox and not being able to post. Just about nothing works right. Was this new web design tested? And by what species?


Aw, c'mon. You have to know the team will be working night and day to get all this fixed. Who among us hasn't had some kind of glitchy upgrade--tested or not? Just sayin'.....

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
Hi everyone, please keep up the feedback. Even if I don't reply to each post, I hope you know that I, and others here at David Allen Company, are hearing you. I'm passing along bug fix requests to our developer. You can imagine he's got quite a list. He's working first on the issues that prevent access, like forum account logins, and functional issues like whether threads you've read get marked as read. I'm also making sure that your feedback about the look and feel gets heard.

I know it's been a big change. You can keep posting feedback on this thread, and I will keep collecting the input. Since the input is coming in faster than we're processing, organizing, and fixing, I also ask for your patience for a bit. That's not easy for me to ask, because I want everything to run smoothly all the time for you, our GTD Connect members. We're working on it, and not just 9-5.

Again, I appreciate your feedback.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
mcogilvie said:
OK, so I can't post from my desktop using Safari (I can't click on this box and get a response). I can post from my iPad, but quoting doesn't work right: the box stays small and scrolling doesn't work right. I'm entering this using Firefox, and got a warning that the rich text editor couldn't load. Sarcasm on This is just a dandy upgrade. Sarcasm off And to make it really good, it turns out I can't post from Firefox either, because the post button doesn't work! I'm posting this on my iPad after entering it on my desktop in Firefox and not being able to post. Just about nothing works right. Was this new web design tested? And by what species?

Yes, we tested extensively. All with humans, as far as I know. Still, we've had things show up, like what you just described, that didn't show up in testing, even on those devices and browsers. I am truly sorry that the forum change in particular has been so glitchy.

And of course I've just collected the bugs you just mentioned. Now I will check in with our developer.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
Barb said:
Aw, c'mon. You have to know the team will be working night and day to get all this fixed. Who among us hasn't had some kind of glitchy upgrade--tested or not? Just sayin'.....

I've had some upgrades that went a lot smoother than this one with the forum. I don't mind the direct feedback. I want to hear what's not working, and I count on all of you to be honest with me.

(The good news is that Mike found the elusive sarcasm font. You know, the one that people say didn't exist.)


What browser(s) were deemed compatible with this upgrade? Several companies are using older browsers.


Barb said:
Aw, c'mon. You have to know the team will be working night and day to get all this fixed. Who among us hasn't had some kind of glitchy upgrade--tested or not? Just sayin'.....
Barb, I'd already sent John a pretty good list of comments, in which I think I was more temperate. A lot of it was similar to what's been written here. I'm writing this on my iPad again, because I can't post from my work desktop either. It may be that the design and technical issues are bumps in the road, and I hope so.


I love the new site visually, so a big "Bravo!" there. And I especially like how nicely it renders on iPad and even my little iPhone. Huge improvement. I've only been reading so I can't comment on bugs at this point. I'll send this along as a suggestion by e-mail: A nice touch in iOS would be the addition of a polished icon when you use the "Add to Home Screen" button. Many sites do this.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
RCL said:
I love the new site visually, so a big "Bravo!" there. And I especially like how nicely it renders on iPad and even my little iPhone. Huge improvement. I've only been reading so I can't comment on bugs at this point. I'll send this along as a suggestion by e-mail: A nice touch in iOS would be the addition of a polished icon when you use the "Add to Home Screen" button. Many sites do this.

I'll add your request for a polished icon to "Add to Home Screen" to the feature requests. I hope we'll get to features soon, when bugs are handled.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
We've been working on several fronts: login issues, thread read/unread marking, sorting order for posts, and more. We're making progress, although it may not show up right away.

Keep the feedback coming. We can handle a big to-do list.


When i go to New Discussions under the Community Forums menu on the GTD Connect homepage, it goes to... something not that. Appears to be search results for keywords: gtd, with a note that "common keywords were ignored: new" -- the list looks like all posts sorted alphabetically. Tried to attacha screenshot, but iPad photos are too big & got a "couldn't resize" error.