Sure! I'll try to not write a novel
Tools: Staples ARC system (until I save up for my dream Filofax), fountain pens/wood pencils, Google Calendar, Evernote
Yes, I do still use Google Calendar and Evernote. We live and die by G Cal at work and it's too much work to maintain a paper planner in addition to G Cal. Plus, my Apple Watch was the best decision I've made in a long time - having my calendar events on my wrist has been a lifesaver. So, I still use that. And, I use Evernote for long-term storage instead of a paper filing cabinet. I just don't have the physical space for one, and Evernote is safer and more useful for me.
Outside of those two tools, everything I have been using for the last few months has been analog. I used a notebook for a while, but lists ended up everywhere and tasks got dropped, so I pulled back out my ARC discbound system and set her up. I intentionally keep it as dead simple as possible - I will add things back in as I come across a need for them.
INBOX. A sheet at the front of my binder. I cross each item off once I've clarified it and put it on a task list. I also have a pocket in front of my ARC for loose sheets to process.
ACTION LISTS. Pages of 3mm grid I printed myself on quality paper. I have separate lists for my Contexts: @desk, @website, @enterprise (work software), @social media, @branch (other library in our system), @supervisor (for my weekly supervisor 1-on-1s), @agendas, @waiting, @someday. I add contexts as I need them, and remove them likewise (for example, I just left a committee at work - out went that context list!). I put deadlined items in my task list with the date they're due to the left of the task box. Scheduled tasks are, rightly so, only on my calendar.
PROJECTS. I put at least two sheets of paper in for each project, which is separated by a sticky tab thingy (photos below show them). I do not organize this stuff except to put the project's full name and end result at the top of the first page. Everything else is an info dump. I mark tasks by putting task boxes near them, notes are random text or delineated by a dash, etc.
NOTES. I have a notes section at the back for various things I like to keep on me that don't relate to a particular project (holiday schedule, coffee log, GTD guides, etc.). I also keep my loose paper back here, available to pull into projects or context lists as needed.
GOOGLE CALENDAR. I put all of my work events and scheduled tasks on here. I also put all deadlines on here. I use one calendar for everything. Tasks are marked with brackets at the front, which I type an
x inside once the task is completed. Deadlines look like scheduled tasks but have
!!! in front of them. I use the default Calendar app on my iPhone because it syncs best with my Watch. I don't use Google's Reminders calendar because it doesn't sync outside the Google Calendar app. One calendar to rule them all!
EVERNOTE. I scan anything I want to keep into Evernote. I'm pretty liberal with this as I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I sort everything by tags. Every project has a tag that starts with a period (so they're at the top alphabetically).
I do my weekly review Friday at 4 p.m. which consists of:
- Go through each context list and mark tasks done/cancelled as needed.
- Go through physical, paper, and digital inboxes and clarify tasks, events, projects, and reference material as needed, adding to lists, my calendar, or Evernote.
- Go through each project and make sure every actionable task for that project is in an action list.
- Go through past week, upcoming week, and the week after on my calendar, adding any new tasks or events or cleaning up cancelled ones there.
And that's really it. Colors mean nothing, intentionally. I collect fountain pens and use them daily - and half the fun is changing out the ink colors. So from one day to the next, I don't often use the same pen and ink combo. I also only use wood pencils because of stationery snobbery. So, my notes and lists are an amalgamation of colors and writing utensils, which means my signifiers are symbol-based. Highlighters are a nope as they smear most fountain pen inks.
Photos! And I'm happy to answer any questions or clarify anything.
[Click for photos]