I am about to move back to having GTD on paper. I need advice about what sort of folder or paper-binding system to use.
My thinking so far - I want something:
- with replaceable sheets of paper (so that I can insert new sheets when space runs out)
- that takes up as little physical space a possible. So:
- it should fold back on itself i.e. opens up to 180degrees and lies flat on the desk
- be tall and thin (so that I can get lots of tasks visible at once)
- if it has ring-binder this needs to have fairly small actual rings (to make it pocket sized, or nearly that)
Each list I would have a tab that sticks out that I write on, with the name of the list, so that I can flick back and forward between these lists.
Right now I am using a Mead Five Star “Flex Hybrid Notebook Binder”.
I think it fits all of your criteria:
-It uses replaceable sheets of paper like a looseleaf binder.
-It would only be as thick as the thin (but sturdy) plastic front and back cover and the amount of paper you put between.
-It completely folds back on itself
-It uses 8 1/2 x 11 3 ring binder looseleaf paper, so lots of tasks can be visible at once.
-The rings do not take up a lot of space.
This is a link:
Or this:
I will admit that one drawback/con is that the rings are not effortless to open. You have to physically pull apart each of the 3 rings in order to open them to add or remove paper.
But it meets all your other criteria.
I use it with Post It flags or tabs for dividers, such as these:
BTW I do not profit when you click on those links.
It is on my someday/maybe list to learn how to set up affiliate links, so that when people click on my links, I profit if they purchase. But it is not an active project yet.

Hope this helps.