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Maxnharry, It'd be great if you could send me a Gmail invite. Thank you very much,

Need G Mail.. Can someone help me out ??

need G Mail.. will any one kind enuff to send an invite...?/account..
At the moment there is no way to use Gmail with Outlook or Hotmail. There is an application that will let you use your Gmail account for saving files but it requires a Linux box.

There is also a program that converts Mbox mail into Gmail, but niether Outlook or Hotmail support those formats.

Believe me, if there were a way, I would be the first to use it!

I also have more Gmail invites. Please send a private message and I will hook you up.

Re: Outlook and Gmail?

Take a look at GPopper:

"gPopper - a FREE Gmail utility that acts as a pop3 Gmail server gPopper is a FREE Gmail utility which acts as pop3 Gmail server allowing you to use programs such as Outlook and Outlook Express to send and receive Gmail."

I use on my home machine with Outlook. Not perfect, but gets the job don.


Rainer Burmeister said:
Is there a way to configure Outlook to use Gmail , similarly the way you can use Outlook to receive and send emails via Hotmail?

Well, this thread seems to have seriously drifted from the original question concerning Gmail and GTD Workflow.

Thanks to one of my friends on this forum I was able to receive a GMail invite about three weeks ago. I have been using Yahoo!Mail for all my discussion groups and I thought that GMail might be a good alternative. I immediately switched most of my groups to send individual emails to my GMail account instead of my Yahoo!Email account. Since I already had 4 other primary email addresses and I didn't want to mix in yet another general email address so I decided to use this one primarily for discussion forums.

I was initially excited about the "threading" capabilities that I had heard about. I was hoping for something more like the normal indented thread view. GMail just lumped everything together that had the same subject line. When the subject line was altered it created a new "thread". I didn't really care for this.

Using labels instead of folders was a great idea and easy to set up so that each groups email was properly labeled. I didn't do any cross labeling but I could see how that could be useful.

My primary browser is Opera and it didn't seem to work properly under Opera on either my Windows or Linux systems. I understand that Opera has a beta version that offers much better compatability with GMail. Since Opera follows the W3C standards more closely than either Internet Explorer or Mozilla it seems logical to me that the GMail developers would have made it standards compliant to begin with. As a web developer myself I always get discouraged when web programs aren't cross browser compatable (unless designed for an intranet where a particular browser is already mandated.)

I can see how GMail would be useful as an everyday email client. However, I don't care for it for discusson groups. I've switched my discussion groups back to my Yahoo!Email account tonight.

I'll keep my GMail account and use it periodically. I'm sure the application will change and evolve. When I does I want to be there.

I'm interested in hearing others expereiences, of course.
Gmail is in a constant state of evolution

Google continues to tweak and refine Gmail on a constant basis and it keeps getting better IMO. It does have some rough edges yet and, as Rick points out, is not ideal for every e-mail organization project. Personally, I love the threading and the labels.

On a related note, I have 6 more invites available. If there is a man, woman, or child out there who still hasn't gotten a Gmail account, PM or e-mail me and I'll set you up. First come, first served.
# of filters in GMail

Hi all

Thank you for the generous offers of GMail invites. I wonder if the number of Custom Filters offered by GMail is any better than at other free e-mail accounts out there? With Yahoo, it is currently 15 custom filters.

That brings another question.... how are you handling the mails from different message boards in your Inbox? Directing them to specific folders using Filters is what I do. Is there a better way?

hisasith2 - GMail doesn't have folders. It appears to offer an unlimited number of labels, however. Once you apply a label to a message, that label appears in the left hand navigation, just as though it were a folder. However a single email can have multiple labels. This is similar to having one message in multiple folders.

It also appears that a user can set up unlimited rules and have labels automatically applied to incoming email based upon a number of characteristics.

Having explained that, I can see how a person could use this as a GTD system. Simply email your next actions to yourself and apply the appropriate label as context (i.e. @phone, @computer, @home, etc...) This would be great for those items can be done in multiple contexts. I wouldn't do it myself, but I can see how it would work well for the right person. Even the thread views could be used to manage projects -- You could mark completed next actions by reading the email and the whole list of completed next actions would show in a collapsed with the incomplete next actions clearly visible.

I would be interested in hearing deteails from someone that actually tried this. I still wouldn't be likely to convert, but it might give us all some new ideas. I think this is the sort of thing that the original poster had in mind when starting this thread.
Thanks Rick. That was an interesting idea (labels in GMail).


stargazer_rick said:
hisasith2 - GMail doesn't have folders. It appears to offer an unlimited number of labels, however. Once you apply a label to a message, that label appears in the left hand navigation, just as though it were a folder. However a single email can have multiple labels. This is similar to having one message in multiple folders.
Invite me?

Please can somebody invite me?

Just started with GTD and joined this forum today.

Mail to: burijn at yahoo dot com


Mail to: burijn at yahoo dot com

Peter -

I got ya covered. Welcome!

Gmail Invitation

I've lurked here for quite a while learning about GTD. I too would love to try Gmail and would love an invitation if someone would be so kind as to extend one. Thanks in advance for your help!

Jeff [/code]
Hi everybody,

I am a fellow GTDer from Romania. David's method is not really known here, but I am trying to convert as many people as possible.

I believe GMail is a very interesting implementation alternative for GTD, especially as a ubiquitous tool compared with PDA or paper. Unfortunately, I don't have the access to test Gmail. Could it be possible to be invited in the Gmail beta-testing program? I would appreciate any help from fellows GTDers. My mail is bogdan_oslobeanu at myrealbox dot com.

Thank you in advance,