GTD rutt “per say” - symptoms of autism ASD - Asana list manager messy or cluttered- looking for new list manager suggestions "

Yes. If a new project comes up and the very next action is @Phone it would go next on the list.
right I think I get it now?
I use apple notes but that is the representation of what it would look like if I used paper. And the post is just random examples of projects and @phone next actions.
The crossed out projects would be completed projects.
I didn't cross out any next actions but when completed they would be crossed out.

i don't use apple notes
This is what I posted here sometime back.

When I did paper this is how my project list and @phone context would look. List of projects. And the very next action on my @phone list. This is an example. But you can see I have "settle Mom's estate" on projects. And then a bunch of other random projects. Then I have the very next action "Call attorney who has mom's will" It's on the @phone list because I can only make calls on the phone. You will have a bunch of other @phone next actions for other projects like I do. That's how you move the project to completion. One step at a time. As I said this is an example so projects and next actions are random. If you are doing paper, You would have a page for each context. When you are done with the next action, cross it out. When you get done with the project, cross it out.
Look my GTD is super simple. Most people go thats it? Yes it is.

Hope that helps.

'what you uploaded here in JPEG
is a very simple format

, I could give example how in my paper binder - I will literally write out the date e.g. today is 12-03 on every new point task that I make, but don't see yourself do that here ?

question - is this because its not worth while to write out the date on every new page task ?

I I A N F eeling down? " s
'what you uploaded here in JPEG
is a very simple format

, I could give example how in my paper binder - I will literally write out the date e.g. today is 12-03 on every new point task that I make, but don't see yourself do that here ?

question - is this because its not worth while to write out the date on every new page task ?

I I A N F eeling down? " s
The only time I put a date on a project would be if it had to be complete by a certain date. IE: Finish budget by 31/3/25. Otherwise no I don't.
The only time I put a date on a project would be if it had to be complete by a certain date. IE: Finish budget by 31/3/25.
right - a deadline?
Otherwise no I don't.
so its a bad habit im doing - repeadtly (repeatedly) writing the date over during the day say up to 10 - 5 times in a day , certain places?

even though - my , I see my father might do something like always everyday write the date on th (on page where finished reading in a book) when he has finished reading in a day


right - a deadline?

so its a bad habit im doing - repeadtly (repeatedly) writing the date over during the day say up to 10 - 5 times in a day , certain places?

even though - my , I see my father might do something like always everyday write the date on th (on page where finished reading in a book) when he has finished reading in a day


Again, I would only put a due date on a project (maybe). I never have the occasion to put a date on something. Maybe I didn't answer the right question.
Again, I would only put a due date on a project (maybe).
I don't seem to use projects that much right now '
I never have the occasion to put a date on something.
what - you never write out the date?
- is it worth I share about impaired short term memory? - that for example I think to myself something that if I don't see or write out, use the days date everyday e.g. in something a 'everyday tracker' or - a paper back of a book for example # RIGHT NOW READING ATOMIC HABITS BY JAMES CLEAR - then i will find that I just forget the days date, that something just seeing days date - for example on laptop or phone -doesn't seem to be remembered with myself with short term memory problems

Do you think its a bad habit to write out the date?

or p.s. - also examples on posits might write out the date
even if I am - in a state of contemplation for example

thought I've written to @gtdstudente about using post its before, wrote help with organizing ? or ....
Maybe I didn't answer the right question.
what question?

Again, I would only put a due date on a project (maybe). I never have the occasion to put a date on something. Maybe I didn't answer the right question.

I could give example

the previous day I just looked over my paper binder - and it occurred to myself that my actual proper labelled "project/s ' section is very small, could actually be scanned over maybe or probably just have 7- 3 things on it I looked over.

then 5
my next action divider paper section - is also small #WOULD I SAY VERY SMALL? , certain amount messy.

'in the background a reoccurring idea*1 of myself - is it can or could be possible for myself to actually

just remake (right words) my paper binder so that it is simple, tidy.
not sort of cluttered messy looking as it is right now (with an certain amount actually fluctuating format, illegible handwriting etc.

would it help my productivity or mind, emotions etc - if I basically forced myself to use the exact same format and style as this user @fooddude shared to myself?
'motivate myself to use the binder more? or use it more regularly? D Y U - or become more passionate about it?


p.s. said - I could , or is it worth I upload more exact pictures to back up this writing.

*1 like - ideas which my concentration/focus had my ego thoughts on.

'said - something like the paper binder format @fooddude shared with me - made me think something its like in a type of format style which made me think 'detective like , like sherlock Holmes for example (who has literature.

or said - is it worth I try to tag @FocusGuy to get his attention , linking idea he shared before about how high IQ, intellectual bill gates will use the paper binder - classic style? I'm not sure.

I'm not sure why @FocusGuy - never shared with myself exact examples format of the pages sections like how @fooddude has done above [I should be grateful for? - because gives me a starting point .
Why couldn't focus - just send share 1 quick Jpeg from a photo of the page design of the actual format inside the sections?
I'm not sure why @FocusGuy - never shared with myself exact examples format of the pages sections like how @fooddude has done above [I should be grateful for? - because gives me a starting point .
Why couldn't focus - just send share 1 quick Jpeg from a photo of the page design of the actual format inside the sections?
Hello @TimBourne
Sorry about that. My days are busy so I don't read anything but only what matters for me. Anyway, I stopped using my paper binder and cleaned it about 2 month ago. The reason of this was that the paper amount was increasing so fast that it became impossible to manage and also that I am a lot outside of the office so I needed to get back to something I could consult anywhere. So Now I use Omnifocus and Onedrive + iCloud for my reference material and nothing else except some personal systems.
I don't seem to use projects that much right now '
Projects and next actions are the basis of GTD. I currently have about 60 active projects and about that many someday/maybe. Anything you want to do that has more than 1 next action is a project.
what - you never write out the date?
- is it worth I share about impaired short term memory?
My whole "life" is in my GTD system. I work out of it so I don't have to trust I need to find anything elsewhere. Meaning, if I had short term memory problems, I would want a system that I put everything into so I wouldn't have to "remember" to look somewhere else. Or that I would have to worry I didn't put it somewhere. GDT is the perfect system. I'm not so sure why the date is so important to you, but if writing it down gets the item off your mind, then I would do it.
Imagine you are getting ready to take the most amazing overseas trip. The best ever. I bet you could come up with a plan to finish that project. You wouldn't want to get to the airport without your passport right? I just use the same planning for mundane things like "buy socks".
Hello @TimBourne
Sorry about that. My days are busy so I don't read anything but only what matters for me. Anyway,
thanks for getting back.
i wonder what are you busy with exactly?
what are the skills you are working on?
I stopped using my paper binder and cleaned it about 2 month ago.
right? although in my memory had it - you were hard cord trying to promote to myself using a paper binder more than 2 months ago- compared to using digital?
The reason of this was that the paper amount was increasing so fast that it became impossible to manage
probably - because you had lots of information's or data adding to it? maybe unlike the same like myself?
and also that I am a lot outside of the office so I needed to get back to something I could consult anywhere.
I wonder what outside work do you do?
I don't have an office work or job at all'
So Now I use Omnifocus and Onedrive + iCloud for my reference material and nothing else except some personal systems.
right - but weren't you also agreeing before that using digital can over complicate things.

But now you sharing you've figure out some method to better use digital for type of list managers? I wonder how you changed?
Or is there a way - I could also use digital.

from when we were writing with other users such as @cfoley - that .
or * * props , also @fooddude (see also above replied ).

digital can - using digital list managers can be too hard to do?

Projects and next actions are the basis of GTD.
I currently have about 60 active projects and about that many someday/maybe.
that's a lot
Anything you want to do that has more than 1 next action is a project.
right so maybe i haven't been defining projects properly?
My whole "life" is in my GTD system.
I work out of it so I don't have to trust I need to find anything elsewhere.
Meaning, if I had short term memory problems, I would want a system that I put everything into so I wouldn't have to "remember" to look somewhere else.
right - capture everything (which is on you attention you are saying?
Or that I would have to worry I didn't put it somewhere.
right that reduces worry - yes
GDT is the perfect system.
I'm not so sure why the date is so important to you, but if writing it down gets the item off your mind, then I would do it.
- 'i was saying I sometimes think I am doing when I am mentally trying to conjure myself up (e.g. - when ending finishing this post reply in background - thinking in my mind if anything else to add, its not the most important thing , probably not the worse thing, or is beneficial to write out the date multiple times so I remember it? *
Imagine you are getting ready to take the most amazing overseas trip.
The best ever. I bet you could come up with a plan to finish that project. You wouldn't want to get to the airport without your passport right?
I don't go on trips , really?
I just use the same planning for mundane things like "buy socks".
buying socks? requires what planning?

*e.g. today is 13-03-2025?
buying socks? requires what planning?
Yes the whole point is "Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them"-David Allen. If you don't put everything in your system then you constantly have to search your mind instead of your system. You said above capture everything. Yes and buying socks would qualify. Search back and see the digital and paper based system examples I've put here. They are super simple and GTD basic. Good luck.
i wonder what are you busy with exactly?
I am Ceo and chairman of a real estate company at Paris (France) so you imagin how short are my days with all my different hats...
Thanks to GTD I am happy to say that it has totally changed my life and efficiency. I feel less stressed since I know everything is under control.
I wonder what outside work do you do?
My company is specialised in real estate investments. We sell mainly office buildings and commercial assets.
I founded it in 2007 after over 20 years working in famous real estate companies

My commercial activities are Seeing people negotiate and sells so I try to be outside the most I can, still the covid it was complicated. Now everything has changed (happily)

But now you sharing you've figure out some method to better use digital for type of list managers? I wonder how you changed?
Or is there a way - I could also use digital.
What I advocate is that here is no good tools or bad tools for GTD. There are only good ways of doing, practicing and settling right habits. So The tool is just a tool. The genius of David Allen was that he collected, imagined and settled a serial of principles which are, when well appropriate by people very efficient whatever the tool you use.

So I would never try to convince any one to use one kind or the other. Some prefer digital others softwares and it is Ok if they are able to do their job...

Life is unpredictable. It can suddenly change.You can be very happy with a paper system for a while and suddenly you receive tons of information you have to fix with the 5 steps and must adapt your system for staying in the run...

However if you ask my what I like, I prefer paper; it's may be a question of generation (I am 63) A good paper note book is perfect. I notice I spend a lot of time fixing and organising stuff with Omnifocus and I don't feel the information. Digital is not always the best way for trying to manage our life. Sometime taking one not book per principle (eg projects, next action, someday may be, a good paper calendar, a good paper note book and a good binder for paper references (+ folders ?) can make a perfect GTD system.

When I work with paper it is easier and faster and it makes me feeling the information so it it less confuse in my brain.

I feel free to change my system for a paper system at any time, if needed.
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Yes the whole point is "Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them"-David Allen. If you don't put everything in your system then you constantly have to search your mind instead of your system. You said above capture everything.
I'm not sure how that's possible
Yes and buying socks would qualify. Search back and see the digital and paper based system examples I've put here.
right you think that a paper GTD could be most effective thing for myself despite new types of things which @FocusGuy was last writing to myself? '
They are super simple and GTD basic. Good luck.
I am Ceo and chairman of a real estate company at Paris (France) so you imagin how short are my days with all my different hats...
right I don't have experience
Thanks to GTD I am happy to say that it has totally changed my life and efficiency. I feel less stressed since I know everything is under control.
So I must not have been able to implement GTD like yourself
My company is specialised in real estate investments. We sell mainly office buildings and commercial assets.
I founded it in 2007 after over 20 years working in famous real estate companies
Your more successful than me
My commercial activities are Seeing people negotiate and sells so I try to be outside the most I can, still the covid it was complicated. Now everything has changed (happily)
Covid is a lie , have you seen the bitchute debunk covid , said
What I advocate is that here is no good tools or bad tools for GTD.
There are only good ways of doing, practicing and settling right habits.
Only good ways of habits?
So The tool is just a tool.
but aren't there more effective tools?
The genius of David Allen was that he collected, imagined and settled a serial of principles which are, when well appropriate by people very efficient whatever the tool you use.
So I would never try to convince any one to use one kind or the other. Some prefer digital others softwares and it is Ok if they are able to do their job...
what do you mean softwares - was that a typo?
Life is unpredictable. It can suddenly change.You can be very happy with a paper system for a while and suddenly you receive tons of information you have to fix with the 5 steps and must adapt your system for staying in the run...
right thats what happened to yourself
However if you ask my what I like, I prefer paper; it's may be a question of generation (I am 63) A good paper note book is perfect.
your writing you still actually prefer paper - but just go felt like you were forced use digital ?
I notice I spend a lot of time fixing and organising stuff with Omnifocus and I don't feel the information.
feel the info?
Digital is not always the best way for trying to manage our life. Sometime taking one not book per principle (eg projects, next action, someday may be, a good paper calendar, a good paper note book and a good binder for paper references (+ folders ?) can make a perfect GTD system.
When I work with paper it is easier and faster and it makes me feeling the information so it it less confuse in my brain.
I feel free to change my system for a paper system at any time, if needed.
but your not doing that right now because of your job

So I must not have been able to implement GTD like yourself
- Be patient. GTD takes time. Time to understand the process, time to understand how your work yourself, time to make your own system
Your more successful than me
Dont compare yourself to others. it is a non sense. Make your own way and be happy.
For example I play the Guitar. There are many incredible guitar players. I don't compare my skills to them. I just try to play to give me pleasure. It is more interesting. Idem in Business.
Only good ways of habits?
Absolutly. GTD is very simple. It is a collection of habits and process made to focus yourself on your most important comitment
but aren't there more effective tools?
Yes some. We spoke a lot about them. When you go to serious software like Omnifocus, Things, To do ist, Nirvana it is OK
But remember what I said before paper list are Ok for most of people and often are more efficient.
your writing you still actually prefer paper - but just go felt like you were forced use digital ?
Absolutly. I dream to make a mixt system paper for lists and digital for reference.
feel the info?
Find and read the studies about students taking notes on paper and digitally. Then you will understand perfectly what I mean.
but your not doing that right now because of your job
Not really. Because of the mass of incoming datas.
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- Be patient. GTD takes time. Time to understand the process, time to understand how your work yourself, time to make your own system
I feel like im never going to - 'Time to understand the process' that point with my symptom/s of ADHD ?
Dont compare yourself to others. it is a non sense. Make your own way and be happy.
For example I play the Guitar. There are many incredible guitar players. I don't compare my skills to them. I just try to play to give me pleasure. It is more interesting. Idem in Business.
right - I feel trying to practice instruments wouldn't be best for myself? But mark
Absolutly. GTD is very simple. It is a collection of habits and process made to focus yourself on your most important comitment
right I don't find it simple
Yes some. We spoke a lot about them. When you go to serious software like Omnifocus, Things, To do ist, Nirvana it is OK
But remember what I said before paper list are Ok for most of people and often are more efficient.

Absolutly. I dream to make a mixt system paper for lists and digital for reference.
right your probably in a better position than myself
Find and read the studies about students taking notes on paper and digitally. Then you will understand perfectly what I mean.

Not really. Because of the mass of incoming datas.


after laptop scanning over

I would have - re read to - understand rest of focus guy writing here"


in my memory previously @gtdstudente , i mean @FocusGuy - shared 'bullet journal' which looked very similar to this

or thought maybe @Poli @Mrs-Polifax would also be interested - seeing she recently wrote about the topic of scheduling habit - and - that link to the page was about making the habit of journaling
starting with 2 minutes '
