New Custom Project Form

I've set up a PayPal account for the support in the custom form development.
Hopefully this project will evolve into something really great with help from you all.



don't expect too much from this. But to make a begin I've sent you US$ 25. It may take some time unless Paypal has collected the money and transferred it to you. Buy some nice flowers for your wife :-)

Beta Test

Ok, I have now sent a beta release to those interested in testing this version.

Let's gather all opinions / bugs / feature requests in this thread so everyone can participate in the discussion.

I put in the beta without too much difficulty. When I went to open a project I get "Script Error Line No. 226" I hit the ok and the project will open fine.

mpearce said:
I put in the beta without too much difficulty. When I went to open a project I get "Script Error Line No. 226" I hit the ok and the project will open fine.


You'll have to setup the custom views stated under "Setup(important!)"
in readme.rtf. ;)

I have a question for you Mattias. Where it says the view should be:

Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom
Messages (GTD) - Custom
Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom
Completed Tasks (GTD) - Custom

On my view it just says:

Active Appointments (GTD)
Messages (GTD)
Active Tasks (GTD)
Completed Tasks (GTD)

How do I get the custom view on my Outlook?

Also I had some code writen in the "ThisOutlookSession" I pasted the new code before the coding that was there. Is this correct?

mpearce said:
I have a question for you Mattias. Where it says the view should be:

Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom
Messages (GTD) - Custom
Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom
Completed Tasks (GTD) - Custom

On my view it just says:

Active Appointments (GTD)
Messages (GTD)
Active Tasks (GTD)
Completed Tasks (GTD)

How do I get the custom view on my Outlook?


The views stated in readme.rtf should manually be created by you.

If you have Inbox selected and choose menu: View - > Arrange By - > Current View - > Define View you'll get a windows showing all defined views in the current folder. You'll then have to create a new view OR copy an existing view (using the buttons to the right on the window) and name them as stated in bold in readme.rtf.

For example, the name of the newly created/copied view for Appointments tab in custom form should be Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom
The same applies to the other views.

You'll have to create the views in the corresponding view, ie "Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom" is created when you are in "Appointments"-view active in Outlook, "Messages (GTD) - Custom" when you are in "Inbox"-view, "Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" and "Completed Tasks (GTD) - Custom" in "Tasks"-view.

By doing this, you'll have the possibility to design the above views as you would like them to display in the custom form. For example, you maybe want to see a timeline display of your active NA tasks in "Tasks" tab of the custom form. To acheive this, just configure / create your ""Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" view with this setting.

I'm going to add error handling for this issue, displaying a error dialog when opening the form without the above views defined.

mpearce said:
Also I had some code writen in the "ThisOutlookSession" I pasted the new code before the coding that was there. Is this correct?

Yes, you can put it before or after. Both is fine.

Bollinger said:
The views stated in readme.rtf should manually be created by you.

If you have Inbox selected and choose menu: View - > Arrange By - > Current View - > Define View you'll get a windows showing all defined views in the current folder. You'll then have to create a new view OR copy an existing view (using the buttons to the right on the window) and name them as stated in bold in readme.rtf.

For example, the name of the newly created/copied view for Appointments tab in custom form should be Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom
The same applies to the other views.

You'll have to create the views in the corresponding view, ie "Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom" is created when you are in "Appointments"-view active in Outlook, "Messages (GTD) - Custom" when you are in "Inbox"-view, "Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" and "Completed Tasks (GTD) - Custom" in "Tasks"-view.

By doing this, you'll have the possibility to design the above views as you would like them to display in the custom form. For example, you maybe want to see a timeline display of your active NA tasks in "Tasks" tab of the custom form. To acheive this, just configure / create your ""Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" view with this setting.

I'm going to add error handling for this issue, displaying a error dialog when opening the form without the above views defined.


Okay, what I have done is copied the GTD views and renamed them to the "-Custom". I hope I did that right. When I opened an existing project I still get the same script error though.

Sorry for being think on this. But this is the first time I have played around with outlook like this and I have no idea what I am doing.

Bollinger said:
The views stated in readme.rtf should manually be created by you.

If you have Inbox selected and choose menu: View - > Arrange By - > Current View - > Define View you'll get a windows showing all defined views in the current folder. You'll then have to create a new view OR copy an existing view (using the buttons to the right on the window) and name them as stated in bold in readme.rtf.

For example, the name of the newly created/copied view for Appointments tab in custom form should be Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom
The same applies to the other views.

You'll have to create the views in the corresponding view, ie "Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom" is created when you are in "Appointments"-view active in Outlook, "Messages (GTD) - Custom" when you are in "Inbox"-view, "Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" and "Completed Tasks (GTD) - Custom" in "Tasks"-view.

By doing this, you'll have the possibility to design the above views as you would like them to display in the custom form. For example, you maybe want to see a timeline display of your active NA tasks in "Tasks" tab of the custom form. To acheive this, just configure / create your ""Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" view with this setting.

I'm going to add error handling for this issue, displaying a error dialog when opening the form without the above views defined.


Okay, I must be really bad at this. I just don't get it. I think I am going to the wrong place to do this. I have gone to my Tasks in Outlook. From there I go to View - > Arrange By - > Current View - > Define View just as you state. There I get the widow with my views I am currently using Active Tasks by Action (GTD). Should I copy this view and name it one of the names you recommend such as Active Appointments (GTD)-Custom? If I do this how will I be able to use the other new views as well, since I can only use one view at a time?

Sorry to be such a pinhead on this,

mpearce said:
Okay, I must be really bad at this. I just don't get it. I think I am going to the wrong place to do this. I have gone to my Tasks in Outlook. From there I go to View - > Arrange By - > Current View - > Define View just as you state. There I get the widow with my views I am currently using Active Tasks by Action (GTD). Should I copy this view and name it one of the names you recommend such as Active Appointments (GTD)-Custom? If I do this how will I be able to use the other new views as well, since I can only use one view at a time?

Sorry to be such a pinhead on this,


The custom views you create are used in the custom form. Tab "Appointments" loads the view "Active Appointments (GTD) - Custom", tab "Resources" loads "Messages (GTD) - Custom" and tab "Tasks" loads "Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom" + "Completed Tasks (GTD) - Custom".

You don't have to use these views in regular Outlook views, such as Tasks and Appointments. Only the form uses them.

It's important that you get the names exactly right. Copy and paste from the readme file when naming the views.


it looks like we need a step by step description about what to do where to implement those needed views. What parts are necessary and which are not. Just start with the appointments something like:

Open outlook unless not yet opened
activate your calendar tab or calendar folder
select menu view ........
select Active Appointments (GtD) and click on copy.
rename into Active Appointments (GtD) - custom
select radio button ....
click ok
In the next window click on ....

OK I am stuck here. I have yet to find fields called Project Appointments and Refresh

The upgrade part of the documentation is a little bit too compact as well. Something more verbose is needed IMHO.


I tried to install everything as described.

For the views I just went into the appropriate tabs and copied exisiting views renaming them to * (GTD) - Custom one for one.

When I click on new task I get an error, a script debugger wants to pop up, I decline and I get an error telling me:

Die angegebene Seite existiert nicht oder unterstützt diesen Vorgang nicht.
Zeilen-Nr.: 44.

This translates into something like:
The referred Page doesn't exist or does not support this procedure.
Line-number: 44

The same happen if I do a double click on any existing GTD-addin project. This time the line-number is 34.

Is that again that language barrier like in the last form? The debugger doesn't allow me to do any changes. Where do I have to go and what do I have to change probably?


One bug found

Great job! I like your new Project Form. I was able to get it to work by adding the GTD views with " - Custom" at the end.

I have only found one bug so far. It is when you complete an action and you select an action from the "Future Actions" list popup, the action is not removed from the Future Actions list. So far, that's it!

Thank you,
I am not the Brightest Bulb

Ok, thought I was pretty savvy but just got grounded.

I finally got it installed properly I think, when I go to Outlook and open a task
the standard Outlook Task opens up and is titled "Untitled - GTD Template".
Not sure this is what I am suppose to see, oh 2 things this is my first attempt at VBA and GTD.

I have lowered my macro setting to med, but when I look to run the macro I see nothing in the box under Tools - Macro - Macros, is that suppose to be?

Ok so who here wants to lead the cliff? :-?
Reminder time

Great job! I like your new Project Form as well.
I have one item so far. For the reminder on the "project" tab, the date drop down is a calendar to select the date, as expected; for the time, however, the drop down also shows a calendar. Is this the correct result or should the time selection have something other than a calendar drop down?

Thank you
Calendar to small to read

I checked out the time for the reminder and mine also has a calendar. In addition, the calendars are to small to read. Again, great form but I will keep you posted on any issues I experience!
Suggestion for Filed Emails

I have a suggestion for filed emails, but I am not sure if it can be done. Use the search folders funtionality of Outlook for the Resources tab so the project mail location does not have to be chosen. I use the tip you posted a week or two ago about setting up a search folder for GTD projects and it works great!
Thank you,

This is a language issue. Row 34 and 44 points out standard task tab named "Task" in english. I guess it has another name i German...

You had the same problem with the old version too, right?

You can change this by re-design the custom form with menu "Tools -> Forms -> Design a Form".
Choose "GTD-Template" and menu "Tools->View Code". Change word "task" in line 34 and 44 to what it's called in German. Then publish the form with menu "Tools -> Forms -> Publish Form".

Wow, you really found a bug! ;) Strange I didn't notice this earlier. Consider it fixed in final version.

Regarding search folders when displaying mail: it can be done. I'll consider this.

When you create a new standard task or NA task the standard Outlook task form should appear. When you open a task representing a GTD Project (added with the Add-In) the custom form should appear. So you're doing everything right.
Regarding Macros, if you choose "Visual Basic Editor" you'll se the code supporting the form. There are no Macros defined.

Time dropdown was mapped to the wrong view (calendar). It should be up/down buttons instead to choose time. It's now fixed.
The calendar size/font issue in the date dropdowns is apparently a known
bug ( I'll see if there is a way around this.

Lines 34 and 44 passed successfully


I even replaced one more instance of task with Aufgabe. The task form will load now.

But now I am stuck with line 226. As far as I've understood this line points to the new view for appointments. The view is here, may I have to replace every occurence of calendar with the German Kalendar?


History list

When I create a new next action via the Create Next Action button on the project form, the history list does not update for the newly created next action. The history list does update each time a new appointment or new project is created with the Create Appointment or Convert to Project buttons.
Looking at the Code behind the form, I'm unable to determine why the history list does not update....the code looks correct as far as I can tell.

Thank you