New Custom Project Form

history list

I think I was incorrect about the code. I think the following additional code needs to be added to the Sub cmdNewNA_click() routine in order for the history list to be updated.

objHistoryList.AddItem Now() & " : " & "Created new NA: " + objTask.Subject

I added this to the form code and it now updates the history list when I add a new task through the Create Next Action button.


I use a customized version of the AddCarryTask that Ken Glade posted a while back. I noticed that when I complete any Actions created with AddCarryTask, the new Custom Form does not recognize it as a GTD Action (related to a project) so it does not open the "Choose NA" form. The customized AddCarryTask is better than the Project Task button in 2.1 because it also carries the GTDMasterProject besides the Project and SubProject. What does the "ThisOutlookSession" key off of to open the "Choose NA" form? I used to use the GTD Police and it recognized actions created with AddCarryTask.

Customized AddCarryTask code:

Sub AddCarryTask()
Set NewTask = ThisOutlookSession.CreateItem(olTaskItem)

If Not GetCurrentItem.UserProperties("GTDMasterProject") Is Nothing Then
GTDMPValue = GetCurrentItem.UserProperties("GTDMasterProject")
Set objProp = NewTask.UserProperties.Add("GTDMasterProject", olText)
objProp.Value = GTDMPValue
End If

If Not GetCurrentItem.UserProperties("Subproject") Is Nothing Then
SubprojectValue = GetCurrentItem.UserProperties("Subproject")
Set objProp = NewTask.UserProperties.Add("Subproject", olText)
objProp.Value = SubprojectValue
End If

If Not GetCurrentItem.UserProperties("Project") Is Nothing Then
ProjectValue = GetCurrentItem.UserProperties("Project")
Set objProp = NewTask.UserProperties.Add("Project", olText)
objProp.Value = ProjectValue
End If

Set objProp = NewTask.UserProperties.Add("GettingThingsDone", olYesNo)
objProp.Value = 1


End Sub

Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
Dim objApp As Application
Dim objSel As Selection
Dim objItem As Object

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Select Case objApp.ActiveWindow.Class
Case olExplorer
Set objSel = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If objSel.Count > 0 Then
Set objItem = objSel.Item(1)
End If
Case olInspector
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
' can't handle any other kind of window
End Select

Set GetCurrentItem = objItem

Set objItem = Nothing
Set objSel = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
End Function
Almost There

Bollinger said:
When you create a new standard task or NA task the standard Outlook task form should appear. When you open a task representing a GTD Project (added with the Add-In) the custom form should appear. So you're doing everything right.
Regarding Macros, if you choose "Visual Basic Editor" you'll se the code supporting the form. There are no Macros defined.
Ok, I think I got it as I said I was new so I did not even have a single task yet as I was cleaning everything out so I now have the form from task that I created and categorized as projects
Now when I click on a task that was categorized as Project I get a "Just-In-Time Debugging" tool, and then script error #227. I originally got #226 then created those view that you indicated in the post and the .rtf.

When u r done with me this thing will be idiot proof, maybe not Stevie_G proof but idiot proof.

PS Is the GTD Add-in a critical component of this program as I do not have it? I am waiting to see how I do with the concept before shelling out $'s.
New installation first steps ?

For these instructions:

New Installation (old custom form not installed)
Start with configuring Outlook default VBA Project:

1. In Outlook, choose menu: Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor
2. Copy the text in outlooksession.txt to "ThisOutlookSession" contained in folder "Microsoft Office Outlook" folder
3. Right-click on the "Folder" folder and choose "Import File" and select frmChooseNA.frm from extracted zip file.
4. Right-click on the "Modules" folder and choose "Import File" and select basMain.bas from extracted zip file.
5. Save and close Visual Basic Editor

For Step 2, does it matter what is selected in the top drop down when pasting? For instance, it saves General and Application? I don't think it matters but just want to be sure.

For step 3 should "Folder" folder be "Forms" folder?

TIA for any answers.

Also, looking ahead I had a question about the DocMessageClass program. I tried to translate the instructions with Google but didn't get a response. Is there an english explanation to what this program does and how to accomplish the desired result with it?



You're probably right. Try to change functions populateTasks, populateAppointments, and maybe populateMailView to point to the German equivalence.

I've changed the old handling of the history log writing. All "Created new...", "Completed next...." is written from function saveTaskForm. This is because when you create a project NA from a standard task and not from the project form a log row is also written. I thought this was a cool feature.... ;) In addition to this, if you create the task with "Create Next Action" and doesn't save the NA appearing, a log row is not written.

It's strange that you don't get a log row saying "Created Next Action". I get it all the time. Have you really saved the newly created NA before checking "History" in project form?

With your code addition you may experience duplicate history rows for NA creation.

You don't have to use (probably should not use) your customized code to create a project task.

The new custom form contains alot of new features not visible too ;)

Just use "New Project Task" from the GTD Toolbar, or just a new regular Task and you'll get everyting you want.

The new custom form handles the include of GTDMasterProject to every NA tasks by defaualt, so this rules out the need of any customized code for this. Also, the Subproject feature with 2.1 version is, by my opinion, not implemented correct. Subproject is not defined by a task, just a custom field for the project task item. This rules out the need of transfering the subproject to the NA, because a project can only have one subproject at a time.

Note! I recently discovered a small bug, resulting in GTDMasterProject not beeing transfered by default in this beta version, but have been fixed in final release.

GTD Police should not be used with this version of the form because of duplicate handling of next NA for project.

Are you absolutely sure you have named the views exactly as specified in the readme file? The error you're getting is releated to this issue.

Your assumptions is correct.

Regarding DocMessageClass, if you download and install the program you'll get in in english. It's mandatory to use this program if you have old GTD tasks that you would like to use with the form.

It changes the Document Message Class of the current items in your task folder to IPM.Task to IPM.Task.GTD-Template.

Here are a couple of bugs I have found.

1. even though I have Day/Week/Month (GTD) view as my current view it changes to Active Appointments (GTD)- Custom every so often and is always on that when I just open it. It is also the same for my Tasks window. I have it set to Active Tasks (GTD)-Custom and it will change to Completed Task (GTD)- Custom.

2. When I open two of my master projects I get, "Microsoft forms: To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects in this form were not loaded." I hit the ok button and the project opens but without the new form. this happens only on one project everytime. The other one opens but will be in the new form. Neither will have any of the NA history that I had with the other form you made for us.

mpearce said:
Here are a couple of bugs I have found.

1. even though I have Day/Week/Month (GTD) view as my current view it changes to Active Appointments (GTD)- Custom every so often and is always on that when I just open it. It is also the same for my Tasks window. I have it set to Active Tasks (GTD)-Custom and it will change to Completed Task (GTD)- Custom.

2. When I open two of my master projects I get, "Microsoft forms: To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects in this form were not loaded." I hit the ok button and the project opens but without the new form. this happens only on one project everytime. The other one opens but will be in the new form. Neither will have any of the NA history that I had with the other form you made for us.


1. Fixed now. Works in final release.
2. It seems like you old tasks are not converted to use the new form. Have run re-run DocMessageClass in your task folder? What happens if you re-create your master projects?

Bollinger said:
Note! I recently discovered a small bug, resulting in GTDMasterProject not beeing transfered by default in this beta version, but have been fixed in final release.



Good news on the final version having the "Transfer the GTDMasterProject" to the new NA feature!

Please provide what the NA popup is looking for in a NA besides the Project because I have many NA's already created by the AddCarryTask macro. I have been using it for awhile. Perhaps they are missing a needed field that your code is looking for.

I would like to fix the NA's so they will work with the new Custom Project Form (and have the NA popup work when I complete one of them). Currently when I complete NA's (associated to Projects) that were created with the AddCarryTask I do not get the NA popup.

Will the "Transfer the GTDMasterProject" feature of your Custom form work on NA's created from the GTD toolbar? (E.g. When using the Delegate button and such)
found two more bugs:

1: I went to create a new task, hit the button and got, "Script Error: Object does not support this property or method:'Application.showChooseNA'".

2: I went to make a Master Project after I had made a new project in GTD. I erased the project name I had and put in $MP:FSHF for the new master project. It would list it in the Master Project field drop down list, but when I would go to put a project in the project field it would erase the Master Project title I put in.
charles7a said:

Good news on the final version having the "Transfer the GTDMasterProject" to the new NA feature!

Please provide what the NA popup is looking for in a NA besides the Project because I have many NA's already created by the AddCarryTask macro. I have been using it for awhile. Perhaps they are missing a needed field that your code is looking for.

I would like to fix the NA's so they will work with the new Custom Project Form (and have the NA popup work when I complete one of them). Currently when I complete NA's (associated to Projects) that were created with the AddCarryTask I do not get the NA popup.

Will the "Transfer the GTDMasterProject" feature of your Custom form work on NA's created from the GTD toolbar? (E.g. When using the Delegate button and such)

If I look at you CarryTask code I see this as a possible cause of your problem:

Set NewTask = ThisOutlookSession.CreateItem(olTaskItem)

This creates a new task of the type:
My form does this:

When your script creates a task it overrides the default settings of your Task folder (set to "GTD-Template") and creates a regular Task (olTaskItem).

The standard task has no custom code in it.

Have you run DocMessageClass on your Task folder changing the message class on your old NAs to GTD-Template? This is mandatory and can be read about in readme.rtf.

mpearce said:
found two more bugs:

1: I went to create a new task, hit the button and got, "Script Error: Object does not support this property or method:'Application.showChooseNA'".

2: I went to make a Master Project after I had made a new project in GTD. I erased the project name I had and put in $MP:FSHF for the new master project. It would list it in the Master Project field drop down list, but when I would go to put a project in the project field it would erase the Master Project title I put in.

1.This is probably no a bug. I think your Outlook just haven't loaded the macros code. Goto Tools->Macro->Visual Basic Editor
and ansver "Enable Macros" on the question you'll get. Then try again.

2. Master projects must be created from the Add-In. Under Tools->Options->Getting Things Done->Manage Projects.
After that you can open the created "Master Project" task and add information to it.

Bollinger said:
1.This is probably no a bug. I think your Outlook just haven't loaded the macros code. Goto Tools->Macro->Visual Basic Editor
and ansver "Enable Macros" on the question you'll get. Then try again.

2. Master projects must be created from the Add-In. Under Tools->Options->Getting Things Done->Manage Projects.
After that you can open the created "Master Project" task and add information to it.


I think that took care of #1. On #2 I have a project labeled Business Strategy and I want to make a Master Project to put this in. So I opened the project and typed in $MP:FSHF for the name of the master project. I then closed and saved it. But it won't list it in the master project view on my task panel like before. It only renames the business strategy to FSHF. So I opened it again and selected Master Project on the drop down which now has FSHF as a master project. Then I changed the project name to Business Strategy and saved it. but it only changed the project name and won't list the master project name.
mpearce said:
I think that took care of #1. On #2 I have a project labeled Business Strategy and I want to make a Master Project to put this in. So I opened the project and typed in $MP:FSHF for the name of the master project. I then closed and saved it. But it won't list it in the master project view on my task panel like before. It only renames the business strategy to FSHF. So I opened it again and selected Master Project on the drop down which now has FSHF as a master project. Then I changed the project name to Business Strategy and saved it. but it only changed the project name and won't list the master project name.

Again, the custom form looks for a project created with the Netcentrics Add-In with prefix "$MP". Nothing else. I'll advice you to add a master project using the Netcentrics Add-In admin panel in "Options" with prefix "$MP:".
Then it will appear in you master project list. Don't try to create Master Projects in other ways. This will lead to this kind of problems.

Meanwhile, I'll think of a way of adding Master Projects without using the Netcentrics Add-In.

Bollinger said:
Again, the custom form looks for a project created with the Netcentrics Add-In with prefix "$MP". Nothing else. I'll advice you to add a master project using the Netcentrics Add-In admin panel in "Options" with prefix "$MP:".
Then it will appear in you master project list. Don't try to create Master Projects in other ways. This will lead to this kind of problems.

Meanwhile, I'll think of a way of adding Master Projects without using the Netcentrics Add-In.


I have tried just what you posted several times it only show "$MP:Name" in the subject view. And nothing is in the GTDMasterProject view. Then when I open that project and select "Name" as master project and name a new project within this form it just erases the master project title.

Crystal Reports - Willing to build form report

Hello Mattias,

I do a lot of Crystal Report development against SQL databases. I've done a bit of Exchange data reporting but never Outlook PST. I installed the "driver" for outlook and was able to get everything that you see in the Print all fields report but I'm not seeing the Futures actions, history etc. Do you have any pointers for me?

Bollinger said:
Have you run DocMessageClass on your Task folder changing the message class on your old NAs to GTD-Template? This is mandatory and can be read about in readme.rtf.
That did the trick! I had used the upgrade instructions because I was already using v1 of the Project Form. I went back and converted ALL tasks and now the popup is working correctly.
Thank you!
Bollinger said:
Regarding search folders when displaying mail: it can be done. I'll consider this.
Just a FYI. In the Project mail location I put the path to the search folder I created (e.g.,Charles AlexanderSearch FoldersFiled Mail by Project) and (all) the emails show up that have a project attached for them. Pretty slick!

I have all messages collapsed when the folder is first opened, so having all the project messages is no big deal. I guess the filter in the custom form (for the project name) doesn't work on search folders. No big deal or bug, just a FYI.
When I go to check a task in my active task view. I get this Script Error :Object doesn't support this property or method:'Application.showChooseNA' Line No:281

By the way great job on this,

Up and running...Problem w/ Resources Documents Add?

I got the installation done and I am up and running. I think I may have found something (maybe a bug?) unless I am doing something wrong

When I go to the Resources tab and try to use the Documents Add button I get an error message... VB Script runtime error

Application doesn't support this property or method:'Application.SelectFiles'

I have a screen shot of the debugger if you want me to email it. Too big to attach here.

Great job... I haven't begun to put it through its pace yet, but first reaction is "WOW"


Creating Custom view

Hi I am trying to create a task view which will list all master projects (i.e. $MP:) and projects that are associated to the master project. Also I would like actions to be listed under each project i.e. master project and sub project.

I primarily want to use this as a review tool during my weekly review so I can capture all of my projects and next actions listed for the week.

Any ideas on how it is best to achieve this view, I have played with the custom view for a few hours today and can't get what I am looking for.

So I guess my first question is, is this doable if so am I missing something simple.