"suggested advice for organizing photos off apple Iphone


idea it could benefit myself: to upload new post on allens fourm

[showing literally print screen image of a "screen shot " on my type of old apple iPhone]
Where says - that have litearlly 1,3 K or thousand photos 1,290 to be precise - and no longer are being uploaded to icloud.

Why mention this? Because obviously I probably don't have the best physical transfer system of digital data, just have it building up.

and - brings a point that could be seen there is a fault in how I actually organise the photos app - just using photos <3 feature, captions or "named albums"

This links to previous posts shared on fourm, about problems I have with technology

- another point was if I did this - then also means could perhaps improve my use of Asana, or calendar applications etc

42 16secs


"suggested advice for organizing photos off apple Iphone

@René Lie " s
Do you have a cloud storage system? A lot of those apps have automatic backup to the cloud and will transfer your photos for you.

I have Dropbox and it will automatically upload to my account and I can go in during my weekly review and tag and organize photos into different folders.

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that many of these photos are taken to remind you of something, or rather a "capture" of something that has your attention.

If this is the case, I would go through all photos one by one, decide what it means to me, and write this in the "mind sweep" list in Asana, and delete the photo - resting assured that the item is captured.

From there, I would decide whether or not I am supposed to do anything with each of these items, and if 'yes', write the action as a full sentence starting with a verb (describing what it looks like if someone can see me execute the action), and organize it into the context list where it belongs (home, office, errands an so on).

Whenever I find myself in a certain context (home, office, out and about), I can take a look at the list for the context I am in, and decide if I want to take action on any of the reminders or not.
Do you have a cloud storage system? A lot of those apps have automatic backup to the cloud and will transfer your photos for you.

Yes I probably have multiple clouds with companies such as apple or one drive (which have more than one account), which have
What showed in picture - is showing automatic back up has run out of space with I cloud ( - do you see that?
I have Dropbox and it will automatically upload to my account and I can go in during my weekly review and tag and organize photos into different folders.

Yeah I've also herd of drop box - maybe I also have account for that

With my laptop - I was thinking maybe there was something type of offer promotion
It wasn't drop box

Some kind of starter thing? ...
But stephen I am not sure myself using drop box is going help me

with issue I shared in this post "

S ?
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that many of these photos are taken to remind you of something, or rather a "capture" of something that has your attention.

That is correct
I wonder rene - if you analysed any of pictures show in in the photos?
If this is the case, I would go through all photos one by one, decide what it means to me, and write this in the "mind sweep" list in Asana, and delete the photo - resting assured that the item is captured.
Oh right I should "decide what it means to me" - for the 1 000 photos shown in picture?

+ you brung up that dealing with these photos could help myself with "mind sweep"
From there, I would decide whether or not I am supposed to do anything with each of these items,
Like in a weekly review "
and if 'yes', write the action as a full sentence starting with a verb (describing what it looks like if someone can see me execute the action),
"write the action as a full sentence starting with a verb" that is something very important - which I believe was also written in the asana guide - which I have a habit of not doing
and organize it into the context list where it belongs (home, office, errands an so on).
Whenever I find myself in a certain context (home, office, out and about), I can take a look at the list for the context I am in, and decide if I want to take action on any of the reminders or not.
makes sense "


idea it could benefit myself: to upload new post on allens fourm

[showing literally print screen image of a "screen shot " on my type of old apple iPhone]
View attachment 1872
Where says - that have litearlly 1,3 K or thousand photos 1,290 to be precise - and no longer are being uploaded to icloud.

Why mention this? Because obviously I probably don't have the best physical transfer system of digital data, just have it building up.

and - brings a point that could be seen there is a fault in how I actually organise the photos app - just using photos <3 feature, captions or "named albums"

This links to previous posts shared on fourm, about problems I have with technology

- another point was if I did this - then also means could perhaps improve my use of Asana, or calendar applications etc

42 16secs


"suggested advice for organizing photos off apple Iphone

@René Lie " s
Organize by Area-of-Focus as Reference, etc. ?
That is correct
I wonder rene - if you analysed any of pictures show in in the photos?
Not really, I just had a quick glance, and some of them gave me the impression that they were not for amusement/art/memories etc, but more for action reminders.

Oh right I should "decide what it means to me" - for the 1 000 photos shown in picture?
Yep! It's a lot of work, so it should just be done one at a time - eventually you'll be finished...
+ you brung up that dealing with these photos could help myself with "mind sweep"
Like in a weekly review "
Not really, more like a "clarify" process, that we use when processing our capture tools/inboxes every 24-48 hours.
"write the action as a full sentence starting with a verb" that is something very important - which I believe was also written in the asana guide - which I have a habit of not doing
Yes - this is a very valuable habit. When it's time for "doing", the thinking has already been done!
Not really, I just had a quick glance, and some of them gave me the impression that they were not for amusement/art/memories etc, but more for action reminders.

What do you mean the photos were not memories?
Yep! It's a lot of work, so it should just be done one at a time - eventually you'll be finished...
maybe stuedente idea of keeping the photos is better @GTDstundente @gtdstudente
this links - what I feel was previously un finished in other thread , where was sharing about Asana , the guide
Not really, more like a "clarify" process, that we use when processing our capture tools/inboxes every 24-48 hours.

Your writing about a daily review?
Yes - this is a very valuable habit. When it's time for "doing", the thinking has already been done!
I should make a reference of habits?

Thanks Rene "
What do you mean the photos were not memories?
I just saw some photos of notes and other things, and this made me think that this may not all be photos you want to keep as a memory, as you'd may want with holiday photos - but I may be wrong
maybe stuedente idea of keeping the photos is better @GTDstundente @gtdstudente
Up to you, but if some of the represent things to do, I would recommend having the information integrated in the GTD system instead. This would also free up some storage space.
Your writing about a daily review?
No, a daily review would be looking over all your lists and decide what to do, whereas this is a matter of processing and clarify what you've capture - step 2 of the GTD workflow process.
I should make a reference of habits?
You be the judge - I have done this enough so that I don't have to think about it. All my tasks start with verbs, making sure that my action items are things that I am able to actually do!
Yes a better thing to do - is I should try to save the pictures for reference

and organize them by area of focus?

stundete you are using GTD terms ? "

maybe with @Chem @GTDChemist idea of a different cloud? "


GTD understanding: Organize, Areas-of-Focus, and Reference are humbly understood as GTD terms, especially: Areas-of-Focus

Thank you very much for your kindness
I just saw some photos of notes and other things, and this made me think that this may not all be photos you want to keep as a memory, as you'd may want with holiday photos - but I may be wrong
"erm - ... "OCD
Up to you, but if some of the represent things to do, I would recommend having the information integrated in the GTD system instead. This would also free up some storage space.
This is related to OCD
No, a daily review would be looking over all your lists and decide what to do, whereas this is a matter of processing and clarify what you've capture - step 2 of the GTD workflow process.
in the review you use the clarification process
You be the judge - I have done this enough so that I don't have to think about it. All my tasks start with verbs, making sure that my action items are things that I am able to actually do!

- I should write to read over
before ever start anything - need to start writing with verbs? "STN?
"erm - ... "OCD
AIC (this is supposed to be a joke -" Ah, I See"...)
In the review you use the clarification process
This is correct - however, the clarification process is its own thing which you are supposed to be doing on a more regularly basis.
- I should write to read over
before ever start anything - need to start writing with verbs? "STN?
I think this is a good idea.

Also, if some of these concepts are a bit unfamiliar, consider reading or listening to the GTD book!
AIC (this is supposed to be a joke -" Ah, I See"...)
I am apathetic and depressed
This is correct - however, the clarification process is its own thing which you are supposed to be doing on a more regularly basis.
right this I have a problem with
I think this is a good idea.

Also, if some of these concepts are a bit unfamiliar, consider reading or listening to the GTD book!
" a verb is a doing word
whenever I write a task - I should makes sure it contains a verb and read over this "?

okay @René Lie and @gtdstudente and @GTDChemist .

my words were - I feel its not best I focus on this thread now. "leave it in my someday or maybe list, hyper link this page

but delegate , to come back to this.

Because photo storage isn't the most important.

But : better I actually focus on my main thread of organizing things with Asana, which I wrote titled about the asana guide - to help me clear up my work " ?