"suggested advice for organizing photos off apple Iphone

There are lots of software companies for adding captions, but only on the computer, not on the phone. These are all specialist photo software companies though, usually with a significant price or subscription.

There may be an app for the Huwaei phone that will allow what you want to do, but again I’m not familiar with that system, so can’t advise.

I wrote above "
Maybe its possible there actually another company software on the net - which does offer ability to do captions?
is there a chance that someone e.g. anyone is going recommend me this?"

As if I am waiting for X persons to post or comment here - some type of suggested free or un paid software /tool (to solve problem writing here

Im not sure thats best is it?

Or should I do some final research on the net about this topic (and broadcast/share to the other persons , humans " STN
I don't have any recommendations for software to use.

What I do is use the filename with the following format:

Date (in the format yyyy-mm-dd), 24 hour time (hh-mm-ss), location (if known) names of people from left to right (if known)

For example, if you and I attend a GTD convention on this date in 2030, I might name a photo of us like this:

I keep special characters to a minimum, avoid spaces, and try to be consistent with people's names. It means that I can avoid software incompatibilities, am not dependant on a specific piece of software staying in production for the next several decades and can use my operating system's built in tools to sort chronologically, and to find photos with specific people in.
There are lots of software companies for adding captions, but only on the computer, not on the phone. These are all specialist photo software companies though, usually with a significant price or subscription.

There may be an app for the Huwaei phone that will allow what you want to do, but again I’m not familiar with that system, so can’t advise.
"so voice in head right here right now says maybe best next action for myself Tim would be to broadcast to my friend mark - about problem having ideas about (about having photos captions on phone (how it relates to a problem with my health " STN?
I would start with applying the weekly habit to all new photos.

I would treat the backlog as a separate project. Setting aside a fixed block each week to work on the backlog might help you make regular progress on it.
Right Cfloey your suggesting this - that I create some sort of a weekly schedule, so -

could trial this "


and done the more fundamental tasks first
There are lots of software companies for adding captions, but only on the computer, not on the phone. These are all specialist photo software companies though, usually with a significant price or subscription.

So maybe - some sort of system would be required for myself

to create a type of system where I add captions on the computer after transferred on phone - to solve the problem which caused myself to create this thread

What would be the best software companies for myself to use for this purpose? can you give me examples?"
There may be an app for the Huwaei phone that will allow what you want to do, but again I’m not familiar with that system, so can’t advise.
I would start with applying the weekly habit to all new photos.

I would treat the backlog as a separate project. Setting aside a fixed block each week to work on the backlog might help you make regular progress on it.

Wait :

should I either take the option off : finishing transferring all the images off my phone (and accepting that the captions cannot be saved from them)

or ...

are you saying you think its best - I just start now - " applying the weekly habit to all new photos." with the storage/clutter of images on my phone left? '

I don't have any recommendations for software to use.
What I do is use the filename with the following format:

Date (in the format yyyy-mm-dd), 24 hour time (hh-mm-ss), location (if known) names of people from left to right (if known)

For example, if you and I attend a GTD convention on this date in 2030, I might name a photo of us like this:
But you must have used that file format - in some sort of soft ware installed on PC

did you just use the default one ? Like on my windows laptop - it will be "photos " ?
I keep special characters to a minimum, avoid spaces, and try to be consistent with people's names. It means that I can avoid software incompatibilities, am not dependant on a specific piece of software staying in production for the next several decades and can use my operating system's built in tools to sort chronologically, and to find photos with specific people in.

Right - thanks for giving me this template
it is something - I should refer back to when myself put into practice the sorting of images with a computer

Where I am yet ...
being limited with just 2 fourm users here?

I mean - I guess I could just try to trial the idea at end of next week ? if I leave this tab open in my browser to remind me?


I suggest that that you download all the photos from your old phone, but organise them into folders by date. So 2022-09 for September photos from September 2022.

That way you can go through one folder at a time without feeling overwhelmed, possibly starting with the newest as these will be the freshest.

Software like Photo Mechanic from Camerabits will do this for you, and will also allow you to rename them in the format that cfoley has suggested.

Photo Mechanic is premium priced software (for your needs) though but I believe there is a trial version that will enable you to get everything off the phone in the format described.


I suggest that that you download all the photos from your old phone, but organise them into folders by date. So 2022-09 for September photos from September 2022.

That way you can go through one folder at a time without feeling overwhelmed, possibly starting with the newest as these will be the freshest.

Software like Photo Mechanic from Camerabits will do this for you, and will also allow you to rename them in the format that cfoley has suggested.

Photo Mechanic is premium priced software (for your needs) though but I believe there is a trial version that will enable you to get everything off the phone in the format described.

1 "the mad words in my head say I don't want to do this because of negatives of it ?
Neatly organised and easy to manage-where’s the negative?

theres probably not

but its linked to OCD

e.g. - wanting keep past detail

This train of work - links the topic "of eating " or lifestyle , learning how to eat the correct amount of foods entirely " etc

-I should try the option - of starting by testing - exporting /downloading the pictures at end of 1 week (first example ) and adding captions on laptop first " SV
It’s how I do it, and I’m a professional photographer with 1000s of photos.
but its linked to OCD

e.g. - wanting keep past detail
I’m not suggesting you lose anything, merely organise it in a way that you can work through it and transfer the captions you want to keep (even if it’s all of them) in manageable portions (eg monthly).

I keep nearly all the photos I take, a lot of which I may never look at again, but i know how to find them if i do. I do extra work to ensure that they’re easy to find, but the date should be a useful reference point.

On reflection the simplest thing you could do is probably just to keep your old phone as a reference source, and refer to the photos on there.
I’m not suggesting you lose anything, merely organise it in a way that you can work through it and transfer the captions you want to keep (even if it’s all of them) in manageable portions (eg monthly).
I use to litearlly have a system - think was doing that? using a type of application " ? s
I keep nearly all the photos I take, a lot of which I may never look at again, but i know how to find them if i do. I do extra work to ensure that they’re easy to find, but the date should be a useful reference point.
thats what I entirely do
On reflection the simplest thing you could do is probably just to keep your old phone as a reference source, and refer to the photos on there.
OK so now Y saying - just leave my old phone?

I have a voice in my head " S T M I T
theres probably not

but its linked to OCD

e.g. - wanting keep past detail

This train of work - links the topic "of eating " or lifestyle , learning how to eat the correct amount of foods entirely " etc

-I should try the option - of starting by testing - exporting /downloading the pictures at end of 1 week (first example ) and adding captions on laptop first " SV

persons DKphoto could help here

Example - with my new type of phone Huawaei p30 pro -
I just accepted /used option sync for gallery (which is default installed application - places photos are saved after use camera

Then - I went on the cloud website version on my laptop

-my photos appeared there, I then downloaded a copy of past six days (from 04/07) - and a file was made in" downloads".

next tasks :
-how should I better store the file? of images

point came to mind - I still have a copy of the images (on the H P30 P phone - that has negatives , what should I do
about it
delete the images also?

only thing thinking about - if do that - there was a few I my have Favourited to represented idea - so I could quickly check:

No I only have one favourited image on the 9th of july, then next on fav (but I also for that one favourited image - put it in a new created album titled "Instructions or reminders") - is/was on 27 june

@DKPhoto can I tell you other things writing the above sentence represented for myself ?

I could also upload print screen image - showing PC screen shot of "a file was made in downloads" s

P Help
reading over
I’m not suggesting you lose anything, merely organise it in a way that you can work through it and transfer the captions you want to keep (even if it’s all of them) in manageable portions (eg monthly).
Im not sure I need to keep the captions actually - if I actually only had a few (of ... on phone
Yeah - it would or could help me to transfer in manageable portions to start with here
I keep nearly all the photos I take, a lot of which I may never look at again, but i know how to find them if i do. I do extra work to ensure that they’re easy to find, but the date should be a useful reference point.
I wonder what system you have to "know hot to find them" whats the extra work
Yeah - I also am type of person who would prefer to keep all photos take (because of OCD )
On reflection the simplest thing you could do is probably just to keep your old phone as a reference source, and refer to the photos on there.
I am not sure that is best?
But it wouldn't seem best for myself - to try spend time focusing on my old phone right now (but more sense deal with problem on new phone ... s
Neatly organised and easy to manage-where’s the negative?

It’s how I do it, and I’m a professional photographer with 1000s of photos.
" well I was saying (wrote about negative that not thinking)

maybe I need right now or it could be better if - focus on my tasks to go with my list manager , or system with GTD "
Reading over now

I suggest that that you download all the photos from your old phone, but organise them into folders by date. So 2022-09 for September photos from September 2022.
that would mean certain details get lost such as the small amount of caption/s literally (and so words in my head - was I feel like I need to share this problem writing about in this thread with my friend mark

When I am saying taking pictures

is linked to topic of "having problems eating" and lifestyle or mood, what should I do about it - I should ask him?

That way you can go through one folder at a time without feeling overwhelmed, possibly starting with the newest as these will be the freshest.
Software like Photo Mechanic from Camerabits will do this for you, and will also allow you to rename them in the format that cfoley has suggested.

Photo Mechanic is premium priced software (for your needs) though but I believe there is a trial version that will enable you to get everything off the phone in the format described.


** recapping things right now for everyone *

on my old phone (currently are 1,374 photos) when the "apple sync " stopped , going over data limit in free mode

I - in the past would transfer photos from phone (before learning about how to make/use captions) like can't remember monthly or weekly - by either using cable to computer ... (and then - I would title the whole file name - put it as the date (so I have multiple data on computer of these images (its quite big/large) writing about this right now - makes me think

literally of the words "some day/ maybe list" links to another set of next actions (which I have wrote in other threads

That - it would help me if I organized my entire laptop PC (where wrote about topic of fences/desktop with other user...

Idea 1 also "
I’m not suggesting you lose anything, merely organise it in a way that you can work through it and transfer the captions you want to keep (even if it’s all of them) in manageable portions (eg monthly).

I keep nearly all the photos I take, a lot of which I may never look at again, but i know how to find them if i do. I do extra work to ensure that they’re easy to find, but the date should be a useful reference point.

On reflection the simplest thing you could do is probably just to keep your old phone as a reference source, and refer to the photos on there.
' what do you think - that
purpose of this thread organizing pictures - is linked to problem feel I have, actually - helps me decide how to eat ?
I’m not suggesting you lose anything, merely organise it in a way that you can work through it and transfer the captions you want to keep (even if it’s all of them) in manageable portions (eg monthly).

I keep nearly all the photos I take, a lot of which I may never look at again, but i know how to find them if i do. I do extra work to ensure that they’re easy to find, but the date should be a useful reference point.

On reflection the simplest thing you could do is probably just to keep your old phone as a reference source, and refer to the photos on there.

"Maybe there was something else - causing your self not being able to reply to my posts below?
Seeing that you are active else where in this fourm also (on your profile)

"I could also upload print screen image - showing PC screen shot of "a file was made in downloads" s" :


Quote also :

next tasks :
-how should I better store the file? of images " Answer could be - use ABC filling system I made previous post on (and file according to date done) see :
I didn't realise that I already had a file called "photos" in the ABC file I created , which looks like contained one transfer of photos (where probably stopped doing photo transfers because of having problem not feeling able do with new laptop since got it)

point came to mind - I still have a copy of the images (on the H P30 P phone - that has negatives , what should I do about it
delete the images also?"
- Should I broadcast it makes sense to delete them says voice " probably not needed

If I switch the view to large icons - makes it so am able better see them - put see for some reason - the screen shots (of display on i -phone are not shown), I see that the default application that - use open files is WPS JPG photo editor but I don't feel like that's best

Idea could end now, this not most essential

basically - in procces of writing this post - ended up installing as suggested type "phone link windows app"

can users see 4 th image attached below

and the way that I last manually transfered images method with phone is no longer working for some reason?


says that - only have 3 images on my phone (but I don't)

so - thought I have been spending what more than 10 -20 mins since installing "phone windows " app -

All I was going to try to show/do here is was literally (transferring a month worth's of photos from my phone (just like I did with previous example of one week) and file them , ask for advice

But don't feel motivated carry on doing it right now?

"because more important focus on other things

background - was thinking asking more advice
like maybe persons DK photo had specific method for organizing pictures ....

So that's about everything for now ? " s


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