If I may respectfully interject
Removing distractions for easier focusing, including random thoughts, concerns, commitments,
etc. is a cornerstone of GTD methodology
Therefore, a "mind sweep" is for sweeping/removing from one's mind any thoughts, concerns, commitments,
etc. that might be or could be undermining one's focus by unproductively keep reminding oneself in order to not forget what might be of importance and is simply unnecessarily fatiguing worry one might say
A "mind sweep" is seems to be primarily recommended and doing so looks like writing on individual pieces of paper or in a notebook . . . for most it seems writing is easier than typing for
doing the "mind sweep" and therefore writing is recommended more than typing to complete "mind sweeping"
As a simplified overview to keep things moving, once one has 'completed' their "
mind sweep", until something else comes to mind for writing down on paper, then all of those thoughts, concerns, commitments,
etc. on paper are all placed in one
Inbox for
Processing with easier focusing than might have been the case without doing a "
mind sweep"
Again as a simplified overview in continuing to keep things moving here,
Processing is for 'discovering' what one's thoughts, concerns, commitments,
etc. mean to oneself . . . are they
Support, or a
Project with a determined purpose
Outcome for one's
Project List(s) and a Project
Next Action for a particular
Context /
Calendar List ?
Also, one's thoughts, concerns, commitments,
etc. might simply be a
Next Action for a particular
Context /
Calendar List
"What does
Done look like?" applies to both;
Projects and
Next Action(
While "What does
Doing look like?" only applies to step-by-step
Next Action(
s) which becomes the 'building blocks' for completing
Projects for their particular outcomes when more than one
Next Action is necessary for any completed outcome
Hope that helps you see GTD fit