Define excessively long.The someday maybe list seems excessively long. Is this just me or is this normal at the beginning. I think I need to renegotiate some things that I hope to do someday maybe!
IMO Someday/Maybe is for absolutely everything that interests you, you might want to do, sounds fun, is a bucket list long term dream. There are no limits to your dreams. I like to keep all of them, I have changed how I manage my Someday/Maybe lists by keeping them as flat text files in DEVONThink and by organizing them loosely into my Areas of Focus or by large groups. For Example, I have a note in DT that is Computer/Web Projects To Do, one that is Farm Projects To Do and so on. I have 50 of those sorts of lists all in a folder called GTD Someday/Maybe Lists. They vary in size from about 10 ideas to over 100.
Then I have another folder that holds projects that got further before being put back into Someday/Maybe. I move things in and out of Omnifocus regularly when I do my seasonal reviews. This is the place for those things so I can find them easily when I need to activate them at the start of the next season that they can be worked on. It has a folder for things that fit into a single DT note and also folders for projects that have more support material or notes about multiple ideas that don't fit into one DT note. There are about 80 of those things so at least 80 different projects.
I've also found that when I do make one of my Someday/Maybe ideas active often what was a single line in my someday/maybe list turns into many projects. So for example one on my Weaving Projects To Do list is Woven Knitting Bag. There are some notes and that would actually turn into several projects, Decide on a design and size for the bag is one project. I will need to review what patterns I have, look at what I want to carry in it, decide which loom to use and so on. Decide on yarns to use is a project. I have to look at my stash, which might result in a project spin yarn for woven knitting bag and so on. So the simple 1 line item might result in 5-6 different actual projects once I decide to add it to my current lists.
So don't limit your ideas, instead focus on developing a system that allows you to capture those safely and review them later for possible inclusion in your active stuff you are working on.