New Custom Project Form

Rodney said:
I installed the form on my office computer today. When I go to open a project, I get the following error:
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ovcActiveTasks.Filter' Line No: 211.

Ok, what's your Outlook version? This error indicates that the custom form was unable to find the Outlook View Control.

This form is designed to work with Outlook 2003. It's to much
trouble to keep it compatible with the older versions. Microsoft always make major changes between product versions, making it difficult to maintain a stable implementation.

I also get the same message as Rodney: No project named: 'XXXXX' was found in Tasks folder. When I click OK, it still works fine; the project XXXXX is there in my project list and the project form opens fine.
Bollinger said:
All of you having these kind of problems, please ensure that you have "Use custom form in Tasks folder" checked in Tools -> Options -> Getting Things Done ->Other Settings

This controls if the type of newly created projects gets the type IPM.Task.GTD-Template instead of IPM.Task.

Re-run DocMessageClass again to convert the projects to new message class.

Sorry for this, forgot to mention this in the readme file.

If this doesn't help try this:

1. Security Level. When setting security level higher then "Medium" (in menu Tools -> Macro -> Security) the VBA code supporting the form is not loaded. 2. Outlook bug. Sometimes the supporting VBA code is not loaded when starting Outlook. If you doesn't get a security message asking if you want to enable or disable macros when starting Outlook, the macros has not been loaded. When menu (Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor) is choosen, the macros should load.

Mattias, I have followed the above steps, however the error noting line 281 still persists.

appreciate any additional thoughts

Bollinger said:
Ok, what's your Outlook version? This error indicates that the custom form was unable to find the Outlook View Control.

This form is designed to work with Outlook 2003. It's to much
trouble to keep it compatible with the older versions. Microsoft always make major changes between product versions, making it difficult to maintain a stable implementation.


so that explains it. I'm in Outlook 2000 at work. Now I have a reason to push the Outlook upgrade at work; it is 2 months away the last time I checked.

in the meantime, is there a way to uninstall the project form?

Rodney said:
This worked. However, now when I add a new project, i get an error message: No project named: 'XXXXX' was found in Tasks folder. When I click OK, it still works fine; the project XXXXX is there in my project list and the project form opens fine.

Great work Mattias.
Donation to follow. :-)

Can you please specify how you add the new project? By using GTD Add-In etc.

The more details, the easier to debug.

Regarding unistallation, reverse the process of installation.

There is a button on Manage Forms in Options dialog named Uninstall.
Set Task folder properties back to use IPM.Task "when posting..."
Run DocMessageClass and get GTD-Template tasks back to IPM.Task

Add new project warning...


As per Rodney's post (above), I also get the warning about being unable to find any tasks associated with the name of a new project that I just created using the Outlook Add-In "Manage Projects" button.

Of course, if it's a new project, there likely wouldn't be any tasks anyway, so perhaps it's best to prevent this warning from appearing (if in fact it turns out to be a bug) when a project is initially created...

226 error

Still getting the 226 error even after creating the views as described in the .rtf file and on the site here.

Seems pretty straightforward... create the views w/ the correct names in the associated folders and the form will automatically find them. Can anyone think of a reason why the error is still popping up?

I can provide screenshots of the defined views, if needed.

If it's something simple I'm going to feel like a moron but eh, what else is new?

212 error

Ok, different error now... Script error line no:212.

Haven't seen that one addressed yet in this thread.

Any ideas, Mattias?
jhegener said:
Ok, different error now... Script error line no:212.

Haven't seen that one addressed yet in this thread.

Any ideas, Mattias?

Line 212 tries to load view: Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom.
Have you named it correct?

Bollinger said:
Line 212 tries to load view: Active Tasks (GTD) - Custom.
Have you named it correct?


I was naming it correctly but both the custom task views were intermittently disappearing for some reason.

Finally created them to apply to my default task folder only (not all task folders) and they *seem* to be ok now. Wonder why they were disappearing though.

Oh well, thanks for the help!
jhegener said:
I was naming it correctly but both the custom task views were intermittently disappearing for some reason.
Finally created them to apply to my default task folder only (not all task folders) and they *seem* to be ok now. Wonder why they were disappearing though.
I have had my custom views disappear also. Not just tasks, but for messages also. I don't think it is all the fault of the custom project form. It is an Outlook issue. Do you connect to an Exchange server? I do, and I think that is where the fault lies.
Completing an Action fails, debugs

I created a project the gtd way
Then, i filled in my next actions
then, i took the first NA and turned it into a task, since it was relatively a quick task, i also did the task, checked completed, and then hit save and close
which failed
Object doesn't support this property or method, "Application.showChooseNA"
and the debuger breaks at this code --> Application.showChooseNA objProjForm.Subject, objProjForm.UserProperties("GTDFutureNAList"), objProjForm.UserProperties("GTDMasterProject")
Remmelas said:
I created a project the gtd way
Then, i filled in my next actions
then, i took the first NA and turned it into a task, since it was relatively a quick task, i also did the task, checked completed, and then hit save and close
which failed
Object doesn't support this property or method, "Application.showChooseNA"
and the debuger breaks at this code --> Application.showChooseNA objProjForm.Subject, objProjForm.UserProperties("GTDFutureNAList"), objProjForm.UserProperties("GTDMasterProject")

Answer here:

I'm a bit of a dink. was in a hurry due to the work day when i posted the issue, without reading the forum in it's entirety, re-messageclassed my tasks, works now.
Occasional issue

Once in awhile I get an error "To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects in this form were not loaded. For more information contact your administrator" Normally by restarting outlook this issue gets resolved.

I am running a standalone OL 2003, with GTD add-in, new form of course, as well I use Mind manager 6, and McAfee virus scan.

Any ideas on what might cause this error, this is a new project I created, use custom forms is checked in the add-in.
Another possible bug

When I create Next Action using the GTD toolbar (Delegate, Action, etcetera), it creates an IPM.Task (not an IPM.Task.GTD-Template) Next Action, even if it is associated to a project.
New Project Form

I wonder can this new custom project form be syncronized with any Palm application like KeySuite, etc..?

Do you use a new folder name under task format in personal folders? Like "Projects" ?
joeycan said:
Once in awhile I get an error "To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects in this form were not loaded. For more information contact your administrator" Normally by restarting outlook this issue gets resolved.

I am running a standalone OL 2003, with GTD add-in, new form of course, as well I use Mind manager 6, and McAfee virus scan.

Any ideas on what might cause this error, this is a new project I created, use custom forms is checked in the add-in.

The form has not been installed properly. Have you installed the form as specified in the readme file?

Try re-installing the form.
